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My heart was racing as I entered the Map Chamber. I had the get there before Ranrok. Professor Fig followed as I entered the cavern that contained the ancient magic Ranrok was after. I thought we'd made it just in time, but he and his minions had drilled under the school and burst through. I felt hopeless.

The next thing I knew, I was face to face with Ranrok. We weren't in the cavern anymore, but an empty black void. He smiled at me, showing his sharp, pointy teeth.

"Surprise, surprise," he said.

"Where are we," I asked. I tried to move my feet, but they were stuck in place, as if glued to the floor.

"We're everywhere and nowhere." He walked closer to me. I tried to free my feet, but they wouldn't budge. I couldn't get away. "I've got a proposition for you."

"Whatever it is, the answer is no."

"Stubborn, arrogant girl," he growled. "I'm offering you safety, immunity. Your ability to see ancient magic is useful to me. Help me retrieve what rightfully belongs to the goblins and you and your loved ones will be spared."

"Even if you weren't lying, I would never work with you. That magic belongs to no one. It was stolen from others and I won't let you steal it further." I stood defiantly as Ranrok circled me, realization washing over me. "Wait a minute. I've already defeated you. This isn't real."

Ranrok looked angry enough to kill as when I said this, but he soon dematerialized right in front of me. The void I was in soon changed to the streets of Hogsmeade; my feet were finally freed and I could move.

"How does it feel to have so much death on your hands," someone asked me. I turned and gasped.

"Rookwood," I said, taking a step back. "You aren't real," I reminded myself. "I killed you. This isn't really happening."

"Just because something isn't real doesn't mean it isn't happening," he said, a mean smirk on his face.

I closed my eyes and tried to wake myself up out of the nightmare I was in. My dreams were never like this. I didn't understand what was happening.

"You're dying, you know," Rookwood laughed. "Soon to be seen but not heard," he said, referring to what he'd said to Anne before cursing her.

"This isn't real," I repeated, trying to ignore him.

"I may not be real, but the fact that you're dying is very real." He laughed more at my expense. As much as I didn't want to, I believed him. Something was wrong with me and it was serious.

"Sebastian," I whispered, covering my face with my hands. I couldn't leave him, not like this. I had to fight. Even if this was all in my head, I knew I had to defeat it to survive. I reached to my thigh and found my wand in its holster. I quickly grabbed drew it and pointed it at Rookwood.

"You can't hurt what isn't real," he laughed.

"I can sure as hell try. Bombarda Maxima," I cast. Rookwood wasn't expecting anything to work, so he didn't dodge. This worked to my advantage, as the spell hit him right in the chest. He was knocked backwards and to the ground. The spell would've killed him had he been alive, but he just groaned and picked himself back up.

"I stand corrected," he hissed as he limped toward me, drawing his own wand. He began to cast a spell, but I was a step ahead.

"Protego," I shouted, protecting myself. "Stupify!" He went flying backwards again.

This went on for what felt like forever. Rookwood got a couple of shots in at me, but I was able to hold my own. If I could defeat the real him as a teenager with very little training, I could surely beat my mind's version of him with all of my Auror training.

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