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Jennie Kim.

As always, she was like a sun, shining brightly at life.

She was a perfect person that I was so jealous of when I was alive.

Now, I'm finally able to evaluate her appearance normally as an outsider.

"Ms. Kim is here too!"

Lisa and Jennie looked into each other's eyes for a moment. It was just a moment, but I could see the warmth in Lisa's eyes. One that I've never seen before.

Actually, I did see it before. I had seen it but it was never directed at me. Every time she and Jennie took a photo together, she always had those eyes.

I knew that I had already lost thoroughly. I was fighting a losing battle which I had no chance of turning the tides.

It was all because my lover's heart was never with me and my love rival was just too strong.

Jennie's current popularity did not lose to Lisa one bit. However, she wasn't arrogant and she never acted like a big shot. It may be due to the different paths they took. Lisa was purely a singer dancer but Jennie leaned towards being a movie actress. Lisa's strong and domineering demeanor could be let loose on the stage. As for Jennie, the gentle 'it girl' image created for the screen caused many innocent teenage boys and girls to be infatuated.

Now, the gentle 'it girl' was currently quietly seated on a shabby stool by the side, watching the celebrity in a suit and tie continue with her work.

In an instant, the walls in which paint was slightly peeling off became a gorgeous palace colonnade and the shabby stool became a throne. Jennie sat there leisurely and looked as elegant as a princess. The smile on her face looked even brighter than her innocent smile when she sat on a flower stand and waited for the male lead in most classic television dramas.

Someone who was a million times better than me...

I knew this since the beginning. However, it felt especially stronger today.


After Lisa finished her photoshoot for the Bazaar magazine, she and Jennie had to immediately head to another photoshoot for a Valentine's Day chocolate advertisement. When they were heading to the next studio, I saw Jennie who took the earring, wanting to return it to Lisa.

Lisa glanced at it indifferently, "Throw it away."

I felt a stab in my heart.

I thought that one wouldn't feel pain after she died. It seems like it was all nonsense.

"What are you saying?" Jennie glared at her and shoved the earring into her hand.

"It was a gift from Irene." Lisa was still indifferent. However, she was looking at the silver object as if she was looking at garbage. Those were the eyes I feared the most. In an instant, I felt so ashamed.

But anyway, she didn't know that I was here and she didn't have to face me. This was great news for me.

"I know. You don't have to show me your determination this way. It isn't the item's fault. It's made of silver and it's even branded. Quickly wear it."

I was amazed. Even though I knew Jennie was different from me, I didn't expect her to be so broad-minded.

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