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After sunset, the room darkened, and Lisa finally came back to her senses. She started searching through my luggage again.

Then, she found it — my wallet.

She took out everything containing information about my identity: my passport, driving license, credit card, membership card for the supermarket next to my previous home, and my library card.

After arranging all the documents in front of her, she found that the item we were both searching for was missing — my ID card.

If my ID card was there, she would have been able to confirm that I was coming back. However, it wasn't there. But since my passport was present, she could only conclude that I was still in the country.

I didn't know where my ID card had gone. Thinking about it, the only possibility was that Sehun took it away. I wasn't very sure about the law regarding this, but ID cards most likely would have been returned to the government when someone died. There was no point in keeping them, and people might use them for illegal activities.

The sky already turned dark. Sensing that I wouldn't be here, Lisa left dejectedly.

For some reason, she took my ring along.

Lisa was extremely quiet on the way back. It felt strange to me. I only realized her current state when she switched on the lights back at home.

Her whole face appeared a ghastly white, and the colour of her lips was horrifying. I then remembered that she hadn't eaten anything since this morning.

She was born with a weak stomach, but she didn't know how to take care of herself. When she was young, she often had stomach pain. During the time I stayed with her, I meticulously took care of her every day. I constantly nagged and forced her to eat properly, so she got better. However, it had recurred again today.

What's worse, she actually took out a can of ice-cold beer from the fridge and started drinking.

Lisa-ya, you're having stomach pain. Did you think that you could suppress it with a cold drink???

I was furious. Did she simply lack common sense, or was she trying to torture herself?

Halfway through drinking, her stomach started protesting as expected. It felt so painful she shrunk into herself, and the Chivas Regal fell onto the floor.

Her back was bent, and her right hand clutched her abdomen. Cold sweat started forming on her forehead.

Wanting to help her, I instinctively went forward, but I went through her body instead. Seeing this, I felt ridiculous.

She painstakingly stumbled to the sofa and immediately curled into a ball. Both of her arms hugged her stomach, and she couldn't help but groan.

As if she was drowning, she raised her head and sucked in large gulps of air. She sweated non-stop, and the veins on her neck could be seen. Since she was thin, I could clearly see her abdomen convulse from the outside. She kept hugging herself, clearly tortured by the pain.

I was very worried, but I couldn't do anything. Jennie was currently at L.A, and I couldn't touch anything. The only thing I could hope for was for Lisa to call the doctor herself. However, Lisa was currently in too much pain and wasn't in the condition to call for help.

Lisa had actually fallen down from the sofa and was now writhing on the floor. I've never seen her in so much pain before, and I almost cried out of distress. Her body convulsed, and she vomited, but barely anything came out.

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