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"Irene died by suicide."

Right after she finished speaking, the car door was opened forcefully. Lisa pulled her out and shoved her against the car.

Lisa's expression was so distorted it looked horrifying, and veins were visible on her white, slender hand. She gripped onto Rosé as if she was ready to beat her to a pulp.

"Nonsense! How is that possible?" Holding Rosé by the neck, she spoke in a low yet roaring voice, "How dare you curse Irene. How dare you curse Irene!!"

Jennie was so stunned she didn't manage to pull Lisa back.

I have seen Lisa angry before, but it was completely different this time.

Whenever she directed her anger at me, I didn't dare provoke her and only lowered my head.

But now, I only wanted to hug her.

I felt that if I was able to hug her, she would be able to calm down. She wouldn't be so angry and in so much pain anymore.

Right now, she was like a wounded beast, crazily acting strong and hiding her wound.

Despite that, the hunter with her rifle was not in the mood to pity her weak resistance.

Rosé was angered as she was unable to break free from Lisa after struggling. To add on, even though she often spoke scornfully about my infatuation, she always stood protectively by my side. She looked at Lisa as if looking at a heartless heartbreaker.

Lisa's sudden outburst caused anger to rush to Rosé's head.

"Isn't it all your fault that Irene committed suicide!"

Ah, Rosé, you can't put it that way...

For the first time, I felt that the usually soft Rosé was very cruel.

Lisa stared blankly. Her expression became fiercer, but tears flowed down her cheeks. Releasing Rosé, Lisa shook her head blankly. Then, she squeezed her chest, seeming to be in a lot of pain. Yet, she still shook her head with much effort.

I almost turned crazy watching this scene.

Lisa closed her eyes and calmed herself. She looked up afterwards but didn't wipe her tears. She didn't seem to realize that she was crying. She seemed to have thought something through.

"You're lying." Looking expressionlessly at Rosé with red eyes.

I was not sure whether she was too shocked or too hurt that she chose not to believe.

Behind her, Jennie held Lisa's arm in concern, but her hand was shoved aside ruthlessly.

She couldn't accept any conciliation or any pity, since it would mean she accepted the fact that I had left her forever.

She could only deceive herself as hostility filled the air around her. She stopped attacking, but glared fiercely at Rosé.

"I don't believe it." She said with clenched teeth.

She already had no idea who she was saying that to.

Rosé was momentarily stunned by her fierce yet grief-stricken look and didn't know what to do. Jennie, who stood behind Lisa, desperately signaled with her eyes for Rosé to leave quickly.

What was done was done. Rosé could only listen to Jennie's wish. She turned back to her car and prepared to leave.

But how could Lisa let her leave? Ignoring the fact that Jennie was pulling her back, she rushed forward and forcefully pulled Rosé to a stop. Rosé had just managed to get away from her, yet she was held back again. After much struggling, she finally turned around and pushed Lisa down to the floor in frustration.

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