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The ten years she spent by my side was all for Jennie.

Everytime I remembered this, I felt envious.

Lisa was willing to make such a sacrifice to help Jennie, yet all of my effort and my support for her was unable to move her.

But on second thought, I was also very despicable for making use of this.

Suddenly, another evil thought popped into my head. The Kim family only had one daughter. Would they let her be with a woman and ruin their chances of having any descendants?

Lisa's call with Jennie ended at around 9pm. After that, Lisa looked like she was about to head to sleep.

She usually stayed up until 2 to 3am before sleeping until the afternoon. Surprisingly, she behaved differently from normal on such a festive day.

When you sleep early, you will wake up early. Were you preparing yourself so that you could meet Jennie, who you haven't seen for a long time, tomorrow with energy?

This sounded plausible.

Before she slept, she took out her phone again.

I looked over. She called me, but it didn't go through.

I laughed. You actually thought of me. Thank you.

Since the phone kept ringing and nobody picked up, she steeled her heart and called Sehun.

Sehun hung her up three times.

On the fourth call, he finally answered.

Even though people still had things to do at midnight, everyone was immersed in the celebratory mood of the festival. The sound of firecrackers outside were thunderously loud, I couldn't hear what Sehun said. Even Lisa had to shout.

"Please help me tell Irene that I wish her a Happy Chinese New Year! Please tell her to take care of her body. Also, please help me tell her I said thank you!"

I think she was thanking me for taking care of her that time.

Sehun probably wouldn't say anything mean. It was New Year after all. Lisa hung up the phone in satisfaction. She smiled so happily she blushed.

How rare for her to look so cute.

I felt that this was a good ending.

I quietly waited. After 12am, I was still here.

On the night, I stared at the clock as it turned to 12am, but I realised that I was still here.

Every new year, the old items would be cleaned out to welcome the new. I had thought that I would be cleaned up as well and disappear in the new year.

I thought it was time for the curtain call, especially after Lisa said "Happy Chinese New Year" and "thank you".

I laughed helplessly. In the end, it was just the start of a normal new day.

The most spectacular sight to see during New Year's was people praying. During the day of Lunar New year, all the major temples in Seoul were fully packed with people. Both believers and non-believers would come to pray for luck, peace, a happy family, good studies, luck in love and more. Anyway, everyone wished for happy things.

I prayed every year as well. People always said that if you were sincere, your wish would come true. However, people were probably too greedy and wished for far too many things, so the gods only looked at us in disdain. Take me for example. I always prayed sincerely, but none of my wishes came true.

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