Let Her Go

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Only know you love her when you let her go.

Cause love comes slow and it goes so fast


Was this what a real deep sleep felt like? You didn't feel hot or cold, you didn't feel happy or sad, you wouldn't think of anything, and you couldn't feel anything.

Then, there would always be that indistinct voice or a ray of sunlight that woke you up.

No one would be completely clear-headed when they just woke up. It was the same for me. I needed a certain amount of time to recall where I was and what I was doing.

"Hey, Irene, Irene!"

Who was being so persistent...

I opened my eyes slowly. What came into view was a blinding white color. I was dazzled by it and ended up closing my eyes immediately.

"She's really awake..." A cold and low voice sounded by my ear.

It's familiar. It's too familiar. Who might it be? Someone who always had such a sarcastic and smug tone.

"Irene. Irene. Wake up, stop sleeping." He said as he nudged me again. I tried my best and opened my eyes once again.

I couldn't help but squint my eyes due to the glaring lights.

Where was I?

"Stop acting dead. Jeongsin charyeo! Get yourself together!" The voice sounded again.

After my eyes finally got used to the brightness, I turned my head towards the source of the voice. That person was handsome and elegant, and his face naturally carried a scornful look. It was indeed him.

"Hunnie..." I called out softly. My throat was dry, so my voice sounded unclear. It didn't feel like my own voice. I tried moving, but even my limbs didn't feel like mine. I couldn't control them well.

What's going on... Where was I, and what was I doing...

"You'reactually awake." He smiled at me. It was a sinister smile that revealed hissnow-white teeth. "Do you know how long you have slept?"

I was confused by his question. Right now, I didn't even know whether I was on my own bed. What year and month was it? Was it morning or night? I knew nothing.

However, memories soon flooded my head like a storm. I have yet to understand what was going on, but my whole head was already filled with Lisa.

Her grinding her teeth, her cold and solitary figure, her smile and look of despair.


"You're hopeless. Why is she still the first person you remember when you just woke up!" Sehun's face visibly darkened.

"I... I'm still alive..." I suddenly gained awareness and remembered everything that had happened. The bone-chilling cold water was the only thing I felt after I cut my wrist, and it was also what I felt after I carried Lisa out of the water for the very last time.

I tried lifting my arm. It didn't feel like mine. It was extremely stiff, but I still tried my best to move it. It was also very straining to move my body. I looked at my own hand and saw that it was flesh and blood. I tried to touch something. I could touch objects, and my hand brought them warmth.

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