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"Director Oh." Lisa was surprisingly very polite this time.

"Is there something you need?" Sehun asked with a smile but his eyes weren't smiling. He was an ungrateful and fickle man in his eyes. He had probably attached the title of 'playgirl' on Lisa. To be honest, he has wronged Lisa by thinking like this.

It was me who refused to let her go.

Lisa was visibly having an internal conflict. Everyone knew that she rejected me before so she would be shooting herself in the foot by speaking. Sehun wasn't the only one who knew. Rosé and Jennie saw it clearly as well. Despite that, she still asked after much struggle.

"Is Irene... okay?"

Sehun snorted. Lisa was naturally unable to understand the reason behind the snort. I understood since I knew the truth. That snort contained his mockery, scorn, heartache and helplessness.

I was really worried that he would just tell Lisa the truth.

Fortunately, Sehun was still Sehun. He was still the Sehun who would keep his promise with very high forbearance. He leisurely lit a cigarette and let Lisa wait.

Only after the whole car park was completely silent did he indifferently and slowly said, "You have no right to be concerned about Irene's matter anymore..."

Lisa would definitely be angry after hearing this sentence. She would most certainly turn around to leave and never ask about me again. I wasn't expecting her to do anything else. Her actions had always been predictable.

What made me uneasy was the fact that she actually stood there without moving. She didn't even look angry. She was like a newly married wife who was facing the madam. She spoke politely and uneasily, "Please tell me... If not, I will feel guilty."

Lisa had always been like this. She always spoke without thinking twice. Unfortunately, Sehun had always been sensitive.

"And here I thought you still had some kindness in you to ask about Irene but it was actually to rid yourself of your guilt." He said in mockery.

Though his words were misinterpreted, Lisa wasn't angry. She quickly and politely explained, "That's not what I meant. I'm just... worried about Irene..."

She was worried about me?

"You're worried about her?!" It wasn't just me. Sehun was also shocked to hear that sentence from Lisa who had always despised and abused me.

If I were still alive, I would be willing to be abused by her for twenty or even thirty years just to hear that sentence from her. This was not mentioning the ten years that I was with her.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry now that I had heard it. I would rather she didn't say that.

It was too late to hear it now regardless of whether it was real or fake. I'm already dead. I can't possibly revive now.

Lisa lowered her eyes when she heard Sehun's sarcastic tone. It was already remarkable for a headstrong person like her to humbly listen to someone else for so long while being scorned.

Sehun ignored her and started his car. Lisa knew that she was not going to get an answer from Sehun. She didn't know that the person who was always obedient and concerned for her was dead.

"Please let Irene know that I'm very worried about her and ask her to contact me!" She could only knock on the car window pitifully and ask Sehun to pass on her message to me.

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