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March 27th.

The weather gradually became warmer. When the sunlight of March penetrated through the chill of spring and spread its warmth for the first time, Lisa finally got up from the sofa.

Jennie watched as Lisa slowly made her way to the terrace. She took a deep breath in the morning wind. The cold wind had a trace of warmth as it ruffled her hair. She looked as beautiful, elegant, stylish, and moving as before.

She turned her head to look at Jennie. Her face showed somewhat of a dream-like smile, but her words were bone-chilling, "Irene isn't dead. I know it."

She smiled too brilliantly. I didn't know what she fantasized about that made her so happy, but she didn't realize Jennie's expression instantly filled with sadness and horror when she heard her strange words.

Lisa finally returned back to normal. She was no longer depressed, but she wasn't especially happy either. Instead, she reverted back to the person I was familiar with for the ten years I was by her side. The person with extreme indifference and calmness. She worked normally, sang normally, and ate normally.

But the concern on Jennie's face increased each passing day.

This extremely sudden and strange normalcy caused a chill in our hearts.

She no longer mentioned the words "Irene", as if I had never existed in her life.

Nevertheless, that didn't mean her conclusion of "Irene isn't dead" never existed.

Just because she didn't mention it didn't mean that her overly normal life to the point of being abnormal was ought to be.

Afterwards, Jennie couldn't help but take the risk of upsetting Lisa and asked, "Should we go and see Irene?"

I would like to see too. I wanted to know if Sehun had buried me somewhere magnificent.

If Sehun bought me a poor-looking grave, I definitely wouldn't forgive him.

Hearing Jennie's words, Lisa laughed, "What are we supposed to be seeing? How do we see? Did Sehun tell you which hospital she is at?"

Biting her lips, Jennie softly reminded her in fear, "Irene is already..."

Not letting Jennie finish her sentence, Lisa interrupted her coldly, "She's just holding a grudge against me. Once her anger subsides, she will come back. I know her."

Jennie looked at Lisa who displayed an expression of calm and didn't dare to speak again.

She was lying to herself, but she was doing it as if it was natural, as if she truly believed her own lie.

I couldn't help but worry as I watched Lisa escape from reality.

What happened afterward reinforced my worries. Lisa had actually bought an expensive diamond watch, saying that it was going to be my birthday present.

My birthday was in April. She never bought me any gifts before.

But that wasn't the point. She clearly knew that I was already dead.

Jennie was visibly frightened by Lisa's action. Lisa smiled as she looked at the prestigious watch shining brightly under the sun. Seeing this, Jennie couldn't help but tremble.

In the end, it was still Rosé who took over. Her face still showed the injury from before. However, she was probably unable to reject this task since it was Jennie who sought her for help.

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