Hard to Love

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Jennie shouldn't have taken this path.

For Lisa and I, we reaped what we sowed for where we are today. But for Jennie, she was only an innocent victim that we dragged into this mess.

She never did anything wrong from the beginning to the end.

The ones who were wrong were Lisa and I.

Yet, she never complained when she had to pay for the price of our mistakes.

"Let's slowly forget about her together." She looked deep into Lisa's eyes.

"I can wait. Irene could wait ten years. I can too."

I finally understood that I could never be Jennie's opponent.

She really was too perfect. She wasn't doing it on purpose, and her action was completely genuine. Someone like me could never hope to reach her perfection.

The reason why I was able to retain that little amount of pride and persistence in front of Jennie was because I had the advantage of time and wealth. I got to know Lisa before Jennie for more than ten years. I was friends with Lisa for more than ten years, and I waited silently by her side for ten years. I know that Jennie was better than me. I know that she liked Lisa a lot as well. But I always reassured myself that I could do it. I felt that Jennie couldn't beat what I have done.

But now, it seemed like Jennie was also able to do the only thing I was able to do for Lisa.

She could wait too, and I believed she could wait even longer than me.

Waiting was a slow form of torture. One would feel hopeful, then disappointment, and finally despair.

However, Jennie was different. Maybe she would be able to see the rainbow after the storm.

Lisa might soon realize that her yearning for me was only due to her feeling of guilt and obligation.

I've seen many such examples. It wasn't a realization of her true feelings. It wasn't truly love.

Perhaps everything was just my wishful thinking. My wishful, selfish, stubborn thinking that Lisa had suddenly realized that she liked me.

This is exactly what I am now. While I felt heartache watching Lisa like this, I also felt a despicable delight. I really was pathetic.

I looked at Lisa and Jennie again. They looked like a match made in heaven.

Why was I so arrogant to think that she would look past such a bright person before her and instead land her gaze on me, an old speck of dust in a corner?

No one would be able to reject Jennie. I knew that.

"Irene is still alive..." Lisa remained unmoved. Ignoring everyone's words.

She thought that I was still alive.

She wasn't rejecting Jennie. She just truly and simply felt that I was still alive.

However, if it wasn't for that night, if it wasn't for the fact that she truly felt that I was alive, would she have accepted Jennie already?

I didn't know the answer.

I only knew that Lisa had hurt Jennie. I knew that her stubborn persistence had cruelly hurt Jennie.

Jennie's face visibly paled. She stared at Lisa's absent-minded face, and an expression of despair and unwillingness finally broke through, an expression that I've never seen before.

That's right, she wasn't resigned to it.

Of course she wouldn't be resigned to it. In the end, Jennie was still an ordinary person.

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