Oh No

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There wasn't anything like a mini shrine at home, so Jennie wrapped the protective talismans with a good quality scarf and kept them in the cabinet.

Today, at this very moment, I could no longer say that she was faking her kindness. I finally understood Jennie for the first time.

She clearly cried secretly, but still smiled when facing the heartless Lisa. Like a good friend, she helped Lisa without saying anything for herself.

It felt like everything had reversed. I became the Jennie from ten years ago, and she became the me from ten years ago.

In the past, Lisa and I were worried about her. Now, she and Lisa were worried about me.

It didn't matter how sincere her 'worry' was. Whether it stemmed from giving Lisa face or truly from the bottom of her heart, she kept it inside and couldn't utter even a single complaint.

I couldn't help but think. When I was by Lisa' side, she only had Jennie in her eyes. Now that Jennie was by her side, she was thinking of me.

What were Jennie and I? Her white and red rose?

Did the mosquito blood on the wall become a cinnabar mole on her heart? And did the unattainable light before her bed become a grain of rice stuck on her shirt?

She was simply finding trouble on purpose.

The people by Lisa's side would only be hurt by what she did.

I was no longer around, and Jennie was such a good person. Lisa should cherish her.

For the people by her side, Jennie always did well as an actress. Being kind was Jennie's nature. She was never like Lisa, who was unable to smile for a photo for the whole day if her mood was terrible. Jennie always thought of others, be it in front of the screen or on the hospital bed. When she had to smile even though she wanted to cry, she would still smile brightly.

In the end, she went down the same wrong road as me. She acted strong in front of Lisa but was hurt. However, I felt that she was definitely stronger than me. She should be able to obtain what she wanted in the end.

I hope that this person who was more perfect and stronger than me could replace me and give Lisa happiness.


Having a break during Seollal, Lunar New Year, was something impossible for celebrities. From the first to the fifth day of Lunar New Year, Lisa and Jennie were both busy attending all the various entertainment shows. They played games in front of everyone, entertaining both themselves as well as the audience.

In the blink of an eye, it was the 13th of February. Tomorrow was Valentine's Day.

I have been waiting for the day Lisa's new album will be released.

Though, it was a pity I couldn't hold it with my own hands.

The video shops have already put up large posters of Lisa, waiting for the day the new album will be added to their display rack.

The poster this time was quite charming. She was dressed in a golden suit, which was different from the usual cold Lisa who always wore dark colours. She also hugged a large, fluffy dog and smiled very cutely.

My Lisa had never been so adorable. I was so close to salivating as I stared at the poster.

If I was still alive, I would definitely make this poster life-size and stick it on my wall to look at everyday.

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