Pretty Savage

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50 Spoofing Questions

1: What is your name?

Lisa: Lisa.

Sehun: Sehun.

Lisa: Wait! Why's it him? Where is my Irene?

Sehun (scornfully): Hmph.

The Host: Fellow Lisa, please look at the title. It's '50 Spoofing Questions', not '50 Spouse Questions'.

Lisa: You could have chosen someone else rather than this unrelated fox!

Sehun: Unrelated? That's weird. I clearly remember that you are my sister-in-law... So you weren't my sister-in-law? I will find Irene a new one tomorrow.

Lisa: Neo...!

The Host: My god. Why is the first question taking so long? Let's proceed to the next question...

Lisa: You shut up!

2: Age?

Lisa: 28.

Sehun: 29.

Lisa: Really? I always thought you were 40+.

Sehun: ... (You'll pay for this.)

The host: Why has the temperature dropped...?

3: Gender?

Surprisingly, both Lisa and Sehun snorted together in tacit understanding.

4: What personality do you think you have?

Sehun: Kind-hearted.

Lisa (pondering): Probably not very good.

Sehun: So you actually knew...

Lisa: I'm not as shameless as you!

5: What about the other person's personality?

Lisa: Gloomy, surly, cunning and sinister

Sehun: Fickle, ungrateful, stupid and stubborn.

The Host: Both of them are very enthusiastic and orderly... Cold sweat...

6: When did you two first meet? Where was it?

Lisa: When I was 21. At a restaurant.

Sehun: When I was 22. I was having French cuisine with my cute younger sister when an uninvited guest popped up to have a free meal.

Lisa: I was invited by Irene alright? And I clearly arrived first!

7: What's your first impression of the other person?

Lisa: He said he's Irene's brother, but why didn't they look alike? He popped out randomly from nowhere and dared to take liberties with Irene. Don't tell me he's a fake?

Sehun: Why does my sister have a friend like this? So what if she was a little good looking? She's so obstinate.

Irene: Was it like that? I remembered the two of you smiling happily and conversing harmoniously. I had thought...

Lisa: Irene, when did you arrive? Why are you sitting beside the weird host? Come here quickly.

Irene: I was hired to be the arbitrator of this 50 questions session. You guys can continue answering.

Lisa (turns around and asked softly): Fox, what weird things have you fed Irene...?

8: What do you like about the other person?

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