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She worked like she usually did and was busy holding a concert in the capital city.

During this period of time, her schedule was packed, and she became thinner.

She didn't know how to make a proper meal. If she was hungry, she would eat instant noodles without any regard for her own health. She basically played with her life.

During her concert, she added in an additional song of her own accord named "The Happiest Girl".

It was a song she never released before, and it was first brought to light during the concert. The fans must have been pleasantly surprised.

The song was dedicated to me. Unfortunately, I only realized this fact after half the song passed and I couldn't remember some of the lyrics.

The girls below the stage were screaming with great enthusiasm, so it felt less vivid for me listening on stage.

Tonight, I'll be the happiest girl in the world

You'll see like it never happened

This song was clearly called "The Happiest Girl", but the entire song was only about "regretfulness". I couldn't hear any part of the song about "happiness".

I wondered why. This song had such a nice ballad melody, but it sounded so sad and full of uncertainty.

Lisa, jebal. There's no one else to blame this time. Don't change the truth we can't undo.

The girls in the front row were all moved to tears by Lisa's song.

Her every move affected many people's hearts, yet she didn't care at all.

No matter how many people liked her and loved her, she didn't care.

Lisa was a being that was so unique, cold, heartless, cruel, and heartbreaking.

I once had her for myself. I felt so proud. It was wonderful.

Why did I let go?

How could I bear to let go?

How foolish of me.

That night, Lisa's insta was so active that it almost crashed. Many girl fanatics discussed the new song, talking about Lisa's cold face and guessing about the story behind the song.

As for Lisa, she only skimmed through the comment page.

I guess she was looking for me.

She must have known that I would often vilely argue with the "Ppuchin" and "Jensetter".

"Ppuchin" referred to Lisa's fans, and "Jensetter" referred to Jennie's fans. There wasn't actually much difference between the fans. Since the two of them were close friends, those that liked Lisa would usually like Jennie as well. Similarly, those that liked Jennie would usually like Lisa.

On her insta, I used the user ID of "Velvet Venom" to refute the various discussions going around, and I eventually became the source of discord on the site. It was just my ugly, jealous heart at work.

Surprisingly, there were a few of those girls who often argued with me that missed me now that I was gone. Some of their messages were asking, "Where has that Velvet Venom person who always sowed discord gone to?"

After looking through the page, Lisa couldn't find my comment, so she became disappointed.

I then saw her look at a new post. She stared at it for a long while.

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