Typa Girl

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"Irene, don't go..."

"I won't," I replied.

"Don't go," She said. Then, she cried again.

My heart ached so much as I watched her. I felt like hugging her again, but I didn't.

I brought the first aid kit over. While holding onto her stomach, I helped her treat the wound on her head.

When she was rolling around the floor earlier, she hit her head against the leg of the table.

After bandaging her wound, I fed her the ginseng tea. When she was finally sleeping calmly, I started cleaning up the mess she had made. When I finished cleaning, I looked up at the clock. It was already 3am in the morning. Standing up, I went to cook some porridge. In any case, I didn't need to rest anyways.

This will be her breakfast. If she doesn't eat, she will get another stomach ache.

After I finished cooking, I went back to the living room and adjusted the blanket for Lisa. I then sat by her side and watched her sleeping face.

She no longer appeared a ghastly white, and colour had returned to her Mac lips. I stretched out my hand to help her tuck a strand of hair back from her face.

A few strands disobeyed and fell back. I laughed and tried to tuck them back again.

The smile dropped from my face.

I was no longer able to.

I tried touching myself, but I couldn't. I tried touching the sofa and Lisa, but I wasn't able to touch either of them.

I wasn't able to touch anything I was mysteriously able to earlier.

Since I was well aware that I was already dead, I quickly accepted the fact that I wasn't able to feel again. However, I now realized just how much I missed the world where I could touch Lisa.

If I could go back in time to the day I moved out of Lisa's house, I definitely wouldn't cut my wrist again. No matter how uncertain I was of life, I shouldn't give up and take the easy way out.

If I could be reborn, I wish I would only be a distant fan. I would listen to her album every day, hang up her posters and go to her concerts. If that is what my life would be like, then I still might have a chance to touch her when I ask for her autograph or handshake.

I finally understood. It was probably due to this obsession of mine that I was still here.

Initially, I was worried that no one would be around to take care of her when she woke up. However, my concerns quickly disappeared. The afternoon came shortly. Lisa was still asleep, but the sound of keys unlocking a door could be heard.

Jennie was back.

Since I already cleaned up the mess in the room, Jennie didn't notice anything out of the ordinary and thought Lisa was sleeping as usual. She quietly walked into the kitchen and spotted the porridge I made.

Her brow lifted in surprise. She must have thought that Lisa cooked it, and her expression shifted to one of happiness. Since I made a lot of porridge, she filled a bowl for herself.

I wasn't going to be petty about a bowl of porridge, but I felt perplexed when I saw this scene.

Lisa had also woken up when Jennie returned to the living room and sat beside her. Her expression filled with doubt when she saw Jennie.

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