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"How did you know that I told her you were dead?"

I couldn't possibly say that I saw it for myself when I was floating by Lisa's side could I? Who would believe it?

"Why else would Rosé cry?" My answer somewhat managed to toss the ball back.

"The doctor said that the chances of you waking up is very low. If you keep on sleeping, isn't that almost the same as being dead?" Sehun appeared righteous and open-minded. With a "this has nothing to do with me" stance, he quibbled, "And with you not wanting to wake up, who knows whether you will live or die in the end? If I give Rosé and the rest a false hope and you end up dying, won't they be even more upset?"

I became moody from hearing such an unreasonable explanation.

"In addition, I won't let Lisa be happy even if you are not dead. If you are really dead, then all the more so for me to make sure that she and Jennie won't be happy for their entire lives." Sehun revealed his two sharp tiger teeth as he smiled sinisterly like a vampire. Not only did Sehun not feel ashamed of his words, he even felt satisfied with himself. He earnestly added, "I'm doing this for you."

He was actually acting like a protective brother that brought justice to his older sister by punishing the heartbreaker.

I was rendered speechless by him.

"Then... is Jennie okay?" I asked worriedly after much consideration.

We have hurt her too much.

Although she and Lisa had once done me wrong, it was now us who have hurt her.

Jennie was a very sensitive person. She had noticed much earlier than any other person, including me and Lisa, that Lisa's heart was gradually moving away from her.

This whole matter was unfair to her. Despite that, she often put in a good word for me. She silently stayed by Lisa's side and quietly went from a lover back to a good friend. She never uttered a word of complaint, even her tears were hidden from Lisa.

I felt ashamed of myself after seeing her actions and her way of love.

She was indeed much, much more perfect than us. She deserved a better person's love and cherishing.

I always thought that if I had the chance to restart, I would want to be friends with Jennie. I wouldn't let my ugly, jealous heart take control and push her away again.

She had long treated me as a friend and stretched out her hands. It was me who had been ignoring her all this while.

This time, I wished to be her friend. I wished that we could be very good friends.

"She should be fine... She has always been strong. And... " Sehun thought for a moment and said a little unhappily, "There's Rosé."

Sehun didn't show much, but I knew that he was in fact unhappy. If it wasn't for the fact that Rosé was his good friend, Sehun would have already made his move on someone that fit his taste so much.

Unfortunately for Sehun, his moment of kindness caused such a perfect spare tire to be snatched away. He could only sigh about it.

However, there was still a long way to go for the emotional and simple-minded Rosé and the delicate and careful Jennie.

I could only wish for their happiness quietly in my heart.

I also wished that the diamond bachelor standing by my side could find his happiness too.

But I was unable to imagine just who was able to match with this handsome, sly, elegant, and unpredictable younger brother.

I had a feeling that his prey would be full of misery.

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