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The next day, Lisa was feeding me hot buns she'd just bought when Rosé, who heard the news, came over with breakfast she'd made with love. The two of them stared at each other with hatred for a long while before Rosé snatched away the bun in Lisa's hand, scorning.

"Irene has just woken up and you're already feeding her junk food? How inconsiderate."

Then, beauty Park came before me and opened the breakfast she made with a bright smile, saying, "I've cooked you a nutritious breakfast and even woke up early in the morning to brew you soup. Try them while they are still warm."

Lisa stared blankly at the bun that had been snatched away from her. She was about to rage, but shrank back like a deflated balloon after she saw the appetizing breakfast made by Rosé. She sat on a chair by the side with a cold face and didn't say anything.

"What are you looking at?" Feeling Lisa's resentful stare, Rosé rolled her eyes imposingly and said, "Would you be able to make it?"

The breakfast was carefully prepared, comparable to five-star restaurant standards. How is it possible for Lisa, who can barely take care of herself, to prepare it? The disparity between the two of them made me feel like laughing.

"I bet you can't make it." Rosé sneered. Ignoring my insistence that I can eat by myself, she held the spoon and started feeding me with a smile, "In this world, a woman that can't cook isn't a good woman. In the future, I'm in charge of feeding Irene."

Saying so, she took the spoon and waved it before Lisa, who was grinding her teeth in anger. Then, she looked back at me and said with a loving smile, "What do you think, Irene? I'm better right? When will you abandon her? I will be your substitute..."

Lisa obviously received a huge blow, but was unable to retort. She's been grinding her teeth for a long while in anger, said hatefully, "Isn't it just cooking? I can learn."

Rosé gave her a disdainful glance and showed a malicious smile. Sarcastic words were about to flow out from her mouth like an unending river.

Rosé usually wouldn't mock others. However, once she wanted, she could use more than five languages to scold the person to the point that the person would regret being born.

At this moment, Sehun leisurely appeared outside the door. When Rosé's sight fell on him, she changed her line of fire. Putting down the breakfast box, she bellowed, "Sehun, you still dared to come?"

Right. Sehun, you still dared to come.

After Lisa and I's entanglement last night (A pure and simple one, do not think about the wrong things. A hospital is a public space), we didn't forget to question the main culprit, Sehun, about his heinous crimes.

Unfortunately, Rosé couldn't make it to the first round of questioning. Now that Rosé knew she had been tricked with such an unfunny joke, she was ready for a fight when she saw Sehun.

On the latter half of last night, I learned about what happened during the one month I was sleeping after leaving Lisa.

The blow Lisa suffered was huge. When I suddenly disappeared after saving her from the lake that night, she was unable to believe what she saw, and she went to question Sehun again. However, Sehun still told her that I was dead.

Lisa asked what it is that she saw if I was dead, to which Sehun replied with a gloomy smile that it was probably my spirit and asked if Lisa wanted to visit my grave to pray.

After seeing it for herself and confirming the harsh, unbelievable truth, Lisa couldn't take it and did the same foolish thing as me.

Fortunately, Jennie went back to take something and found her in time.

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