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I didn't have a father and my mother died early. I lived at my uncle's house, in Daegu, and I lived a life that was neither shabby nor happy. I would never expect myself to suddenly become successful in life. However, I suddenly had a brother that year.

After seeing their numerous evidences and hearing numerous explanations, I suddenly became the illegitimate daughter of the director of a large entertainment company. The director was now dead but he wanted to give half of the company's shares to me who was a daughter he had never seen before.

What was more unfathomable was that the legitimate son of the legal wife, namely my half-brother, didn't try to fight for the inheritance or try to change the will like those seen in historical dramas. He was actually very kind and treated me especially well.

Just like that, Lisa became an artist and I became someone who would dictate her life.

Lisa would never beg someone for her own future but she came to beg me. She asked me to promote Jennie.

Jennie looked very attractive but there were countless good looking people in the world. The company could promote whoever they wanted to and it didn't have to be her. We were very clear of that fact.

My condition was for her to be with me for these years. She agreed.

Lisa already knew that I loved her. She was also prepared to sacrifice herself for Jennie.

We became lovers for these years.

I floated by Lisa's side for a few days and there were times where I shockingly saw a completely different side of her.

She always had that one look when she worked. She was also like this back when I was still hiding at one corner to look at her. It seemed as though she was standing in another world even though she was in the middle of the crowd. I had no idea what she was looking at and her thoughts seemed even more incomprehensible.

She was always elusive and hard to comprehend.

I thought that she would feel happy after I left but I couldn't see as many changes in her mood as I had expected.

She used to be a very expressive person. When she was happy, her body seemed to be shining brightly. When she was dejected, a dark cloud could be seen floating above her head.

It was my fault that she was like this now.


Jennie started packing up and moving in. Her items were slowly increasing in this house.

When she saw the box of photos Lisa had prepared to dispose of outside the door, this busybody brought it in front of Lisa.

She seemed to enjoy stepping on Lisa's landmines. Holding her head high, she asked, "Lisa, you can't even keep these?"

I knew that Jennie wasn't detonating a landmine this time, it was a torpedo.

Jennie might be a muddle head but she wasn't stupid. She would know if she was stepping on a landmine. If she dared to step in, she must have had a way out. She wasn't like me who had to act lowly before Lisa in order to avoid provoking her sharp anger.

Her anger was so sharp that it would cause pain when it was directed at a person. Lisa must have known that Jennie's skin was much more tender than mine so she didn't dare to point it at her.

Lisa's face darkened as I had expected and a sharp expression froze on her face.

Unlike me, Jennie wasn't fearful of this sight.

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