Chapter 10: Kabuto Part 1

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In my entire life, I have never forgotten something I purposely want to remember, hell I can't forget something I want to forget, wants more things I want to stick in my mind right? I know that this information is not something important to me, it is just a question on a sudden whim and my plans for myself and my undead will not be affected by that information I want to know.

I tried to remember it going back from that moment I am brooding in that black space and said that I am tracking time-based on the twenty-four hours time format of the previous world, I even remembered what I said, here:

"I am here in this... Whatever the hell this place for as long as I can remember, and if I can remember means I know that I am here for three million, eight hundred seventy-seven thousand and three hundred years already."

Right? Check it out if you are not impressed.

I perfectly remembered anything I want to recall from my memories but the thing I want to ask... my memories just went to a screeching halt someone (you already know who, if you don't, read from the first chapter again) is blocking me from this information, maybe I'm too smart of a mortal that my whimsical questions can lead into a god putting his fingers personally into the matter.

I already gave up on remembering the matter, if a god doesn't want me to remember something, what can I do? No matter how I am confident of myself, I still cannot go against the will of a fuckin' god right? So with just little hope, I asked [Guide].

[Guide], please tell me what I want to ask you a while earlier!

[I am not allowed to disclose such information.]

Yeah, I figured out that much.

Damn, this god's game just got serious.

At first, I thought that I am just being played with and just went along with it because that's the most logical approach in my situation right now, I am just a baby and I can't fight gods. If you think about it, all mythological gods are fickle, will find interest in someone, and will become angry with someone with a touch.

There's even a goddess that cursed a woman to become a spider because the woman is more beautiful than her, but this matter is different, the god that is watching me right now is tempering me into his heroine, not because of interest but because of something... I don't have any idea what.

How did I come to that conclusion? Simple, these past weeks (a month to be exact), pops been rejecting any information about this forest and this world that are either too advantageous for me or it is too vital to be known for someone as insignificant as me, but there comes the third, considering the immediate reaction to a whim of a mere mortal, pieces of information that I am not yet ready to know will also be blocked.

Eh? It can be just the god watching me scramble about remembering something he makes me forget. No! If then, wouldn't it be more interesting to see how I dip my head into the information instead of watching me panicking about memory loss, wouldn't it be more interesting to see me, for example in despair and hopelessness-filled eyes by learning the information I want to know?

It would, right? But no, and thus I concluded that this world might be a world more than just a world with a system that gives you a throwing skill when you throw something, but is a world more complicated than what I seem to understand.

Then, I just have to understand it, no biggy, right? And I am still in my baby steps literally and so I can't do anything even if this world is made out of cake and pastry, so I just have to trust pops who have a greater vision than me, I, after all, have a Filipino Heritage and one of its youngest talent, and one of our traits is familial piety (that's also the reason I am so devastated about my past) and one such variable of familial piety is trust... in this case, a blind one.

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