Chapter 48: A Rare One from Eleanor

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Remember that a dormant volcano is not an extinct one, it is just a volcano that did not erupted for the past 10,000 years but is still expected to erupt in the future, furthermore, the signs of the eruption are just really sudden, it can be that you are happily strolling inside this place and the next day there is an increased earthquake activity within the area of the volcano and then the next day the magma underneath will start to rise up and so on and so forth, I am sure these people will die just with that.

They are immune to fire, but not to magma, that's two different things.

So when I saw this place and how these monkeys are quite literally living in a ticking time bomb, I immediately planned to find a permanent way to clog up the magma in here, like I said it's a fantasy world so I'm sure there is a way to even use impure world resurrection, I mean I probably can use it, just needs some practice. Going back to the topic at hand, the good thing about this idea is that, it aligns with my goals of creating a city within (and outside) the volcano, so even before knowing that these primates are going underneath a magma chamber to get these metals, my thoughts has been in the idea to completely seal off that chamber, now I just have to make it so that the metal deposits will not be affected by it.

Well, before all of that though, we still have a defensive war we have to fight and it is not an easy peasy matter because I am not used to being on the defensive side, I always go for the offensive you see (Author: She is a top), so what I have been thinking is to how to smash them to pieces even though a defense aims to just drive them away, so I just made that thinking be my main point of defense.

Hmmm, even so, the most troublesome are the goblins and the orcs, first of all, the goblins have the number, plus they will be brainwashed so that means they will get the berserker buff and will make all of them as strong as a goblin chief, and then there are the orcs that are already strong as it is and are just weak because they are shitheads, but then, that also means they have good battle instincts that they are using instead pf actual intelligence, so basically their strength will not be hindered by the brainwashing because they don't think to fight, actually the brainwashing is quite the upgrade for them if you think about it.

But still, even though I am quite uneasy because of my lack of experience or knowledge about defending (the Chinese warring states period are my references in my strategies and I don't read defensive heroism that often), I will still do it, I have Ellie to help me after all, and also a vow that I have to fulfill.

A vow that I made unconsciously the moment I made Philo that almost caused my life in the wolf invasion, a vow that I may found cheesy when I am still Emilio, but is now the perfect representation of my drive to live.

_I will protect my people, even if that means flipping the world upside down._

This promise will start by razing the Five-Pronged forest to the ground.

"Gotta prepare for that child, though."

[3rd Person POV]

Sophia is serious about her words, she even gave up her pride just to properly defend her two bases.

The reason is simple, her number is too short to defend and attack at the same time, so she has to choose between the two options and build up her strategies with her choice, she also considered that the only member of the alliance that needs a proper food base is the bat queen because she's responsible for the brainwashed army of goblins and orcs.

The rest decided to all go their ways, The mantises and the Oni and his ogres decided to attack the volcano directly, and according to Arachne's intelligence, the owner of the third layer will be attacking Sophia personally.

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