Chapter 52: Arachne for MVP!

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Warning: Spicy contents.

The reason for such actions from Arachne will be explained in the next chapter.


Arachne's eyes widened a little upon hearing Eleanor's message, For some reason, it was an awfully short time, way, way shorter than she had expected, which is not really a problem, but still, they were dealing with the most troublesome race in the whole forest, so she expected a much longer amount of time.

_Hmm... Oh well._

She just shrugged it off and then put her hands on the oversized head of the queen of the bats, Right now, Arachne is currently in her human form so that she could fit into the broad back of the queen of the bats, The bat flinched nastily at Arachne's actions and she immediately asked.

"W-what are you doing!?"

Arachne smiled and continued patting her head and replied: "Don't worry about it, HAHA..." While saying so, she stuck her tongue out to make the queen of bats see her being playful, but then, in front of her tongue in which her taste buds resided, a small white-colored spider suddenly crawled out of Arachne's mouth, Arachne looked at it and instructed it with their natural bond to go down in the shallowest part of her throat and make sure that the spider will not slip even an inch.

The spider responded with brisk clacks of its maws, after which, another small white spider crawled from her back onto her tongue, this time Arachne instructed it to act as her vocal chords and mouth everything she would say, after all, it would be hard to have a straight voice if something is shoved down your throat, right? With another brisk clack, the other white spider responded and approached the location Arachne indicated.

While Arachne is preparing her spiders, the walls of the former base of invasion of the hero prospect become visible in their view. The bat looked at her once again and said.

"We're here."

Arachne nodded and then went to jump out of the back of the Pink Bat Queen and in midair, she transformed back into her half human half spider form, the queen of bats could not help but frown when she heard bones snapping and flesh churning as every single one of the spider queen's muscles and organs are being rearranged to suit her Arachnid form.

_Ugh, I am not the one to complain because that is also the sound of my transformation when I shift forms, but it sounds gross..._

The bat shook off the unpleasant feeling in her stomach and just landed as calmly as she could, Arachne then looked at her and then asked.

"... Say, can your unique skill go from here to the volcano settlement?"

The bat then responded with a nod and a simple "Yes."

Arachne then glanced a little at her, At first, the bat queen ignored it and just started preparing for her unique skill [Ninth Symphony]'s ultimate ability named "The Last Symphony" which will give her the ability to make an attack that will be sure to hit a target and kill the said target with illusion.

The problem is that she will become mute for the rest of her life, but her resolve to survive is bigger than her pride, so she does not hesitate to offer usage of this skill, Then, when the bat queen is about to use this ability, Arachne suddenly asks.

"... But, like... can it work in your human form...?"

The queen of Arachnids asked and faced her, Surprisingly, her cheeks had some trace of red on both sides of it, but the bat did not notice it and backed off.

"W-what are you planning!?"

Arachne was or acted startled.

"E-eh!? No, I am not planning anything... I- I'm just curious!"

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