Chapter 74: Marionette Spiders

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2 days, exactly two days Arachne informed me that her very first task coming from yours truly as a researcher was finally complete, she named the new breed of arachnid Marionette spider and at this moment, she is inside my throne room at a table with a dead rabbit as big as that table and a spider as big as my head.

I looked at the two abominations in front of me with squinted eyes.

_Look at their unholy sizes._

[Why is the eyes so big?]

Right? Can't nature at least make them eye-pleasing?

While I was thinking of such things, Arachne started her speech to introduce the function of the spider.

"Master, your very first mission given to me as your head bio-researcher is now completed."

As she said that, she grabbed the gigantic spider and then lifted it, she then continued.

"This unholy-sized spider is like I said, named Marionette Spider and as its name suggests, it is a new breed of spider created with the assistance of Her Majesty and Lady Eleanor that can control living beings."

I looked at Arachne who was in a lab gown whilst in her human form, she put the spider on top of the dead rabbit, and she then started to arrange the rabbit in a way that positioned it like it was about to jump, however as I she was doing that I have one thought in mind.

_So she's aware of the unholiness._

Well, I mean there are a couple of giant spiders that are as big as me in my adult form, but they are tarantulas, or at least their appearance, however, this punk here looks like a black widow that got its backside pumped with air, that's just unacceptable. Despite all of my rants about the spider, Arachne continued to explain the anatomy of the spiders.

"And with the power of maternal love, I made this child of mine have its brain adjusted into its backside, as you can see the appearance is disturbing because these head-like organs here are eyeballs, and there are six of them as big as a human's eyes... What have I done..."

She sighed a little before once again looking at me and continued. By the way, me and Eleanor have decided to censor the part of her new invention, this is because I want to monopolize it and I don't want other countries breaking all hell in front of my face, well I mean the Linen has its limits and cannot be used to create a Kereina 2.0 (MC of Epic of Caterpillar), but still, it will be disastrous if they learned that I have a tool that can directly make mana appear in a nucleus, surely you know about nuclear fission right? Well, Ellie's Linen can be used to do that, so you get my point.

"Now, this spider has you as their commander and only when you have given to me or any other people the temporary commanding rights shall they obey other people's order, please command them to parasitize the body of the bunny."

I then started to think about the spider parasitizing the giant rabbit, the spider immediately latched all of its legs into the rabbit's head, stabbing them alongside the bee sting-like organ on her back, which is the spinneret of the spider,  I raised my brow and then looked at Arachne with her proud eyes as she said.

"This spider has the human anatomy automatically engraved on them as well as the anatomy of all the monsters in the forest, this knowledge is used by the spider to create hair-thin yet steel wire tough strings to control the nerves of the bunny."

As she was finished with her explanation, I somehow felt that the parasitation process was complete and thus decided to command the spider to make the bunny stand up, and it did, with not a little bit of wobble, the bunny stood up as if it was just taking a nap earlier.

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