Chapter 38: Test of Loyalty Part 3

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The monkey rebel leader and his loyal soldiers are currently running at full speed, unaware of all that happened to the three poor messengers their leader has sent back to the rebel camp, they continued to run, not minding their once bottomless stamina almost at their limit. Of course, the reason that all of them are fuming is not because of them jumping from tree to tree, nor it is because of the sometimes uneven hills they run into when they are sprinting at land, after all, they are once living inside a volcano and they walk daily in "Roads" as steep as the surface of the tallest of mountains, thus if it's just some ups and downs, they will not even break a sweat, let alone breath heavily like they are about to have an asthma attack.

Rather, the reason their tank is quickly depleting is because of how they designed their break schedules, they will eat breakfast while traveling, skip lunch, and eat dinner, after which they will immediately sleep and will wake up at midnight and travel once again, causing their rest time to be a mere four hours, plus the distance they are required to travel is not just mere kilometers.

And if all of that is not enough, they have to drop having breakfast and take quick one-hour rest at night and immediately wake up to reach the lair of the spider queen in the shortest possible time, the Queen in need stated that she splurged all of her foods to create a lot of battle spiders to hold off the cavalry for additional three days, thus the leader immediately decided that they will reach the lair in two days.

_Please be safe..._

He can only think so as he continued to make haste, trying his best to save his godmother.


The Monkey leader stopped in front of a cave, alongside him, his soldiers that smiled at the sight of the cave whilst also panting because of exhaustion.

"We made it..."

He muttered, his soldiers just smiled, not having any energy to shout, these past days, they learned how are they dancing in the palm of the person whom they first deem to be weak, thus they stayed vigilant and gripped their weapons tightly, looking for the goblins who are said to be the monsters chosen by the hero prospect to serve her and do her biddings.

"Wait here I'll go insi-"

The leader is about to state his orders but suddenly, a feeling of being observed crept into his heart, this feeling is different from the one he felt earlier in their departure, the feeling back then is just pure observation and cannot even be called hostile, that's one of the reasons he ultimately ignored it.

However, the one he is feeling right now is different, it was as if someone is directly pointing his dagger at his throat at point black range, bloodlust and the intent to take his life are evident and the most troubling thing is that even though he can sense the bad intentions of the enemy, he cannot trace where does the intent comes from.

_Tsk, are we too late after all?_

Suddenly, as if his brain is going an overdrive, he found a flaw in the spider queen's story, in the tale told by the queen of arachnids, it is stated that the queen used all of his power to drive away the hero prospect and her goblin infantry causing her all of her battle spiders, however, why is there no corpse or even a drop of blood splattered all over the ground? Let's say that the non-combat spiders cleaned up the corpse for their birth giver to restore her strength, but there still will be no way that the spider queen will bother to command her children to suck the blood out of the grasses and soil.

_Could it be..._

A shroud of doubt lingered in the mind of the monkey rebel leader and that doubt turn into conviction as he hear the hooves of a marching cavalry and the sound of goats, he immediately shouted.

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