Chapter 50: The Purpose

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New Release schedule: Every Sunday Except when I said so otherwise.

I Just started college, so yeah, I have my priorities.


The bat is unaware of what is happening underground in that seemingly useless clearing, soon after making his rounds toward the whole settlement and finding nothing worth reporting, he comes back of the Spider Queen's lair and starts to assimilate his newly brainwashed goblins and orcs to the maddened army the five remaining pink bats has assembled.

They are drooling with blank eyes, clearly devoid of any life or will, they will be ready for action upon command, their formation is just a thick pile of goblins at the front and orcs at the back, for like the bat had said, encircling the cave of the first layer settlement of their enemy will instead give their army a nice ass beating, the main reason is that their army will be too stretched when they tried to fully surround the cave, plus the army of the enemy have the quality advantage.

Thus they will have to resort to the people ocean tactic.

_I wonder if our lady will have a better idea of dealing with the first settlement._

The bat who is currently arranging the ranks of the brainwashed humanoid monsters said so to himself, Currently, the spider queen and their lady are brainstorming ideas on how to kill the hero prospect or even incapacitate her for a little moment, well In the end, this alliance is barely qualified because of the members attacking a single person at the same time and the leaders of the races who participated have their own goals.

Thus, in the end, it is up to the two brains of the alliance to halt the growth of the hero prospect, of course They can just leave it to Bakunawa, the serpent overlord of the third layer, but the monster that they are, they have their version of greed, for example the spider queen wants to make spiders who can reanimate corpse, a power that no one on the planet have seen before and the bat wants to simply make the hero prospect know who the queen is (the usual narcissist stuff).

Thus after the queen brainwashed her fair share of goblins and orcs, she locked herself up in the meeting room that also serves as the strategists' chamber.

_Well, it's not like we will lose anyway, after all the army has us, the five pink bats._

As expected of a race that has an arrogant queen, even though they knew that the enemy had better soldiers than them, they still believed that they could win because the pink bats themselves would be present on the battlefield, after all, even though the monkeys and goblins of the settlement are named, they are not flying creatures like them and only the now deceased monkey tribe leader can make them run away by becoming a giant.

And obviously, no one out of all his children can go near the power of their father, thus who can stop them in their advance? The commander of the enemy? Isn't she just a human healer, well that's what the spider queen said, so the bats somehow mistakenly underestimated her, though Eleanor certainly can't kill the bats, so they are not technically wrong on brushing aside her battle prowess.

_And that goat should be no problem, he's a slob after all._

The pink thought, this hypothesis when The Spider Queen reported that the goat was named Ruphas, even though in the middle of the war slept through the latter half of the day the main battle happened because there were no enemies that attacked the settlement he supposed to defend, thus the size of the goat might only be the thing redeeming him, in short, that Ruphas must be another non-anti avian type monster, well it's obvious because he is a Diamond Horned Goat.

The bat then after thinking all of those things did not realize that he had already finished reassigning the cramped position of their maddened warrior.

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