Chapter 91: Why Did they Kiss so Suddenly?

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[Sophia's POV]

_That was faster than I expected, but why did they kiss so suddenly?_

My eyes are squinted as they stare at the two nobles who cannot conceal their gaze towards me, receiving ire from my relatives-in-law, but I particularly do not mind because the aggression on their faces earlier was replaced with dread, their faces were white like it was bleached and their once overconfident eyes were trembling at the sight of me eating steak even though a huge ray of light was flashed in the direction of my territory.

_It's your fault for not considering such a design flaw._

They know that something on their side has gone incredibly wrong and I am enjoying the crushing defeat they have received by my hands like the sweetest of honey, though my question earlier remains, and surprisingly someone answered me.

[You have to see them like Neanderthals rather than homo sapiens you know, they have lesser control of their instincts.]

I was a little jolted by [Guide] who seemed to have already bypassed my anti-mind-reading capabilities. However, I am not as surprised as I should, because he already said that he is as intelligent as me, I mean, he sounds like me (Emilio), so it would be strange if he is not, but anyway I still asked.

How did you bypass it?

[Well, I am just lucky that I scanned all the Brahmic scripts in your brain before you completed the anti-mind-reading spell, after that I learned how to write and read them and counter-produced the spell's desired effect, rest assured that I am the only person who can counter your spell, for now, at least.]

I was watching how the massacre will end by using Ruphas' eyes and ignored the make-out session above the walls that I am so sure would escalate to something else, though I cannot hide the fact that I am excited to see what is the result of this crossbreeding, I mean they are mammals and in the same "Community type monsters" category so they can crossbreed. 

I went back to looking at the ballroom, even though ballrooms are used for dancing, no one even has the courage to ask a lady for a dance, the bachelors who are here to continue their courting of Eleanor did not even dare to look at her now because of her demonstration earlier.

_They might be in shock because they didn't expect Eleanor to show her ire when that guy badmouthed Urduja and me in front of everyone._

Seeing that we were partly at fault for the very awkward atmosphere, Urduja and I looked at each other, I dipped the last fork of steak in the sauce and ate it as I drank some wine, after which I stood up, put my left hand on my back and my right hand in front with my palm extended, all people swept their gazes towards me and Urduja who also did the same motion with her only wife present (I wonder why), Aoi Dodomeki, inviting the girl smaller than her to a dance.

"May I have the honor to dance with the most beautiful lady in this room?"

Our minds seemed to be in sync as both of us said the same thing, all of the ladies in the room widened their eyes and the fear on them became a little bit dimmer, they started to wait for their bachelors to dance them too.

Eleanor put her soft palm in mine and stood up, I used my magic to float, something that mages in these world seem to find incomprehensible, all of the eyes of the more magic oriented nobles widened, the fear being completely washed away.

I looked at Eleanor, mesmerized by her dazzling eyes as I wrapped around my left hand to her waist and raised my arm and hers as we started to dance in the melody that Urduja's children have started. With this spectacle of ours, the ladies and gentlemen started to dance also, forgetting about what happened or at least suppressing the memory for a while, with the exception of the two nobles who seem to confirm the peril of their army, everyone became merry.

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