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A/N- This chapter is kinda gonna go over a lot in a little time. Like all of the filming with other stuff sprinkled in ;)

I wake up and realize it's finally time we start filming. I walk over to where we get our hair and makeup done. I sit down in the chair and start getting my hair styled and my makeup done. As I wait, I go over my lines and try to relax my nerves. Once my hair and makeup are done, I head over to the set to start filming. Of course, the first person I see is Finn. I decide I should strike up a conversation.

"Hey loser," I say to him jokingly

"What's up, Y/N" Finn responds with a sly grin.

"Nothing much" I respond "We should hang out after filming today"

"That sounds fun," He says. Then the other 3 kids come over and we continue talking.

"Aren't you guys excited for our first day?" Exclaims Millie, she seems super excited. We talk for a while just about stuff like where we're from, our families, etc. Then the director calls us over to start the first scene. It takes a few takes to get everything right, but eventually, we finish filming it. As we move on to the next scene, I start to feel more comfortable and at ease. It's a long day of filming, but we finally wrap up.

"That was SO FUN," I say to the rest of the kids.

"I know!" Says Gaten "I loved filming in the forest"

"So did I!" Finn, Caleb, Millie, and I both say at the same time.


"NO!" Blurts Millie. We all start laughing and walk off the set.

After a while, me and Finn meet up outside his trailer. We decide that we should probably just stay and walk around the trailers and stuff because we don't know if we're allowed to leave.

As we walk, we talk about the day and how we thought it went. Finn mentions how he's excited about a certain scene that we're filming next week. Suddenly, one of the producers comes up to us and tells us that we're free to leave for the night. Finn and I exchange excited looks and head downtown to check out what's there. We stop at the gas station pick out some candy and drinks and continue walking.

"So what do you like to do in your free time," I ask

"I skateboard, I play the guitar, and I play some video games"

"That's so cool, I've always wanted to learn to skateboard," I say

"Maybe I could teach you someday" He winks. Suddenly you feel your cheeks getting really red and you both start laughing.

"We should probably start heading back, it's getting dark out," I say.

We start walking back toward our trailers, but we take our time. We talk more about our hobbies and what our lives were like back home. As we reach our trailers, we say goodnight and head inside. God, that was really fun, I love spending time with him. But it's not like I like him or anything. I think we'll just be really good friends. Thats all. As I lay in bed that night, I couldn't help but think about Finn. Sure, we were just friends, but there was something about him that made me feel different. I shake my head, trying to rid myself of these thoughts. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep, but my mind keeps wandering back to Finn.

The rest of the filming wasn't really that different from the first day, just filming and filming and filming. We all became closer and closer too. We would spend our downtime exploring the area around the set, playing games, and just chatting. Me and Millie have become really good friends, some with Finn and me. Finn and I continued to hang out a lot, and I couldn't deny the feelings that were growing inside of me. But I didn't want to risk ruining our friendship, so I kept my feelings to myself. Overall, the filming process was an incredible experience, and I knew I had made some lifelong friends.

"I can't believe films going to be over so soon." Says Millie, sadly.

"I know, it's almost going to be weird being home without you guys. I'll really miss you"

"We have to text each other every day," Millie says

"Definitely. And we need to Facetime like at least once a week"

"Yes!" Millie exclaims.

"We should also plan a reunion," I suggest.

"Definitely! We could all get together and watch the final cut of the movie." Millie says excitedly.

"That's a great idea," I say, "maybe we could even plan a trip together."

"Where should we go?" Millie asks.

"Maybe a beach vacation?" I suggest.

"That sounds amazing," I say, "but let's make sure we plan it for next summer when we're all free."

"Agreed," Millie says, "I can't wait for our reunion already!"

"Me too," I say, smiling, "we're gonna have so much fun." Since it's free time, we're all over the place. I think that Finn is in his trailer. I knock on his door.

"WHAT" He yells

"IT'S ME" I hear him walking over.

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to see what you were up to"

"I'm not really doing anything right now. Come in I guess" Finn says. I walk over and sit next to him on his bed. I notice his guitar sitting next to his bed.

"Can you play something for me?" I ask

"Sure," He says. He starts playing My Kind Of Woman by Mac DeMarco.

"I love your guitar playing," I say to Finn.

"Thanks! I've been playing for a few years now. What kind of music do you like?" Finn asks.

"I like a lot of different genres. Lately, I've been really into indie rock and pop," I reply.

"Cool, I'm into a lot of different stuff too. I really like classic rock," Finn says.

"That's awesome! I've been trying to get into Rock more. Do you have any recommendations?" I ask.

"Yeah, definitely. You should check out Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles, and The Rolling Stones. They're some of my favorites," Finn suggests.

"Thanks, I'll give them a listen," I say with a smile.

We spend the next few hours talking about nothing in particular. Just enjoying each other's company. It's been a while since I've felt this relaxed and happy. Eventually, I realize how late it's getting and I need to head back to my trailer.

"I should probably get going," I say

"Alright," Finn says with a small smile "Goodnight, Y/N"

"Goodnight, Finn," I say, feeling warmth in my chest as I walk out the door. Suddenly he grabs my hand and pulls me towards him. My palms are sweaty and my cheeks are red, he pulls me in and gives me a huge hug. I feel my heart rate quicken as he pulls away, and I'm left standing there, feeling a little dazed. As I walk back to my trailer, I can't help but think about what just happened. Did Finn just hug me? Does he feel the same way I do? I try to shake off the thoughts and get some sleep, but I find myself tossing and turning all night. The next day, I try to act normal around Finn, but I can't help feeling like something has changed between us.

The last few days of filming are bittersweet. We're all excited to finally finish filming and go home, but we're also sad to be leaving each other. The final scenes are some of the most emotional, and we all try our best to give it our all. Tomorrow we are having our wrap party and I am so excited. I should probably sleep now.

~3 hours later~

It's midnight and I still cannot sleep. I decide to get up and walk around the set, hoping it will tire me out. As I'm walking, I see Finn sitting on some boxes, looking up at the stars. I walk over and sit down next to him.

"Can't sleep?" He asks, not looking away from the sky.

"Nope," I say, "You?"

"Same," He responds. We sit in silence for a while, just looking up at the stars. It's peaceful, and I feel myself relaxing. I put my head on his shoulder and he lets me just rest. Eventually, we both start to almost fall asleep, and we head back to our trailers. As I lay in bed that night, I felt content knowing that Finn was just a few trailers away.

done and done ➳♡ finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now