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The realization hits us hard. We're both being targeted by this unknown person. Sadie's face pales as she reads through the messages, her eyes wide with fear. "I... I had no idea," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "I thought it was just some prank."

"This is far from a prank," Finn says, his voice filled with worry. "We need to find out who's doing this and why." We all agree, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Our quest to unmask the unknown texter has just become a team effort.

Over the next few days, we start to investigate. We ask other cast and crew members if they have received any similar messages, but none of them have. This only adds to the mystery and fuels our determination to uncover the identity of the person behind these unsettling texts.

We even reach out to the network and production company, informing them about the situation. They assure us they'll look into it, but we can't help but feel a sense of impatience. Every day that passes is another day the anonymous texter remains unknown.

In the meantime, we try to keep things as normal as possible. We continue filming, trying to keep our performances genuine despite the looming issue. The set is buzzing with whispers about the mysterious messages, adding an eerie undertone to our daily routine.

One evening, after a long day of filming, we gather in my trailer. Finn, Sadie, and I sit in silence, each lost in our own thoughts. The frustration and fear are palpable, but so is the determination.

"I think we should go to the police," Sadie finally breaks the silence, her voice filled with resolve. "This has gone on long enough."

Finn and I exchange looks. It's a big step, but it seems we have no other options. I nod, my heart heavy with the weight of the situation.

"Alright," I say, "Let's do it."

The next day, we take a break from filming and head to the local police station. We explain the situation and show them the messages. They promise to look into it, and we leave, feeling a little more hopeful.

Days turn into weeks, and the police are no closer to finding our anonymous texter. But then something unexpected happens. The messages stop. We don't know if it's because the person got scared or simply lost interest, but we're relieved. The set slowly returns to normal, and we can focus on our work again.

done and done ➳♡ finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now