more press, more tension

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I wake up the next day feeling a little groggy, but I'll survive the day. I hope.

I walk to the lobby and see everyone down there already.

"OK now that everyone is here we will be telling everyone what everyone is filing today," one of the people managing us says, "So, Finn, Sadie, Millie, and Y/N, you will all start the day by doing an interview together," he says "Then, Finn and Y/N, you two will have a photoshoot session together. Millie and Sadie, you will do a separate interview. After lunch, all of you will participate in a fan meet-and-greet, followed by a panel discussion in the evening," he concludes, handing out our schedules for the day.

I turn to Finn. "Jesus they have us doing a lot," I say

"Guess it's just how it is," he says

"Yeah," I agree, "But at least we have each other to get through it." We share a small smile, mentally preparing ourselves for the busy day ahead.

We get to the interview and the person who will be interviewing us greets us.

"Welcome! I hope you are all doing well" She says

"We're doing great, thank you," I respond, speaking for the group. The others nod in agreement, flashing polite smiles at the interviewer.

"That's wonderful to hear," the interviewer remarks, shuffling some papers on her desk before proceeding. "Well, let's dive right in. Can each of you share something about your character that you really connect with?"

As we each share our insights and experiences about portraying our respective characters, the interview flows smoothly. We laugh, share stories from the set, and even tease each other a bit. The camaraderie that we've developed over the years of filming is evident, and it brings a warm, genuine atmosphere to the interview.

Toward the end, the interviewer asks, "How has being part of this show impacted your personal lives?" We look at each other, each contemplating how to put the experience into words. After a moment of silence, Finn starts to speak.

"It's been a life-changing experience," he says sincerely. "We've learned so much, not just about acting, but also about ourselves."

The rest of us echo his sentiments, sharing how the show has shaped us in different ways. By the time the interview concludes, we're all feeling a bit emotional, but in the best possible way. It's a reminder of the incredible journey we've shared together, and the impact this show has had on our lives.

As we rise from our seats, thanking the interviewer for her time, we share a group hug. Despite the early hour and the long day ahead, we're all feeling energized and grateful. It's another day of press, yes, but it's also another day of celebrating the show we've poured our hearts into, and the friendships we've formed along the way.

"So I guess it's time for our photoshoot?" I say to Finn

"I guess so," He says

We arrive at the location of the photo shoot and take our seats in the makeup chairs. Professionals buzz around us, applying makeup and fixing our hair for the camera.

As we sit side by side, I can't help but feel a rush of anticipation. This is our first photoshoot together in a long time, and even though it's a professional setting, the close proximity is making my heart race.

"Ready for this?" Finn asks, giving me a reassuring smile.

"I think so," I reply, returning his smile. "As ready as I'll ever be." With that, we're led onto the set, ready to face the cameras together.

The photoshoot goes better than I expected. Finn and I fall into a comfortable rhythm, easily posing together for the camera. The chemistry between us is undeniable, and I can't help but feel a flutter in my heart every time our eyes meet. Despite the tension of our unresolved feelings, we managed to keep things professional, and I'm grateful for that.

We have a little bit of time and go get lunch. then we have our meet and greets. We do separate and together meet and greets. Then it's time for the panel. Panels are always so fifty-fifty because they are just so easy for people to make awkward for us.

The beginning of the panel is going well, just questions about the show and behind-the-scenes. Then a younger fan decides to ask a personal question.

"So, what's going on with the love triangle between Finn, Sadie, and y/n?" she asks

"There's no love triangle in the show with them, maybe you're thinking of Max, Lucas, and Dustin?" I say trying to play it off

The young fan giggles, shaking her head. "No, I meant in real life. There's a lot of rumors going around online," she clarifies, causing an awkward silence to fall over the panel. I share a glance with Finn and Sadie, unsure of how to respond.

The moderator steps in, laughing off the question. "Well, we're here to talk about the show, not personal lives. Let's keep the questions related to Stranger Things, okay?" The fan nods and the panel continues, but the question leaves a lingering tension.

Despite the awkwardness, we managed to make it through the panel without any more personal questions. After the panel, we all return to our hotel rooms. As I lay in bed that night, the fan's question echoes in my mind. The thought of a love triangle between Finn, Sadie, and me leaves me with a strange mix of emotions that I struggle to understand.

The next few days go about the same, busy but fun.

Despite the constant interaction, Finn and I have managed to avoid discussing our feelings. We've been catching glances, sharing laughs and the tension between us is crazy. Yet, we continue to dance around the elephant in the room, focusing instead on work, our shared friends, and the excitement of the press tour.

Now it's the last day. We all meet in the lobby with our suitcases.

I walk up to Millie and give her a big hug "I'm going to miss you so much" I say, trying to hide the fact I'm tearing up.

"I'm going to miss you too," she replies, hugging me back tightly. "But remember, it's not goodbye. It's just see you later." After a few more heartfelt goodbyes to the rest of the cast, we all head our separate ways, carrying with us the memories and experiences of yet another unforgettable press tour.

done and done ➳♡ finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now