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My heart starts pounding and a sense of unease washes over me. Who could this mysterious person be? And why are they watching me? I can't help but feel a sense of fear and vulnerability. I quickly block the number and try to shake off the unsettling feeling, but deep down, I know that something is not right.

I try to fall asleep but I just can't. Is something playing a prank on me? Is this some weird revenge from someone? is this a crazy stalker? How did they get my number? these questions are running through my head for long into the night. I wake up with barely any sleep.

I walk onto the set and immediately go and get a coffee.

"Were you up all night or something?" asks Millie

"Yep," I answered

"Couldn't sleep, huh?" Millie asks with a concerned look.

"Yeah, I had a really unsettling encounter last night," I reply, my voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and anxiety.

"What happened?" Millie asks, her eyes widening.

"I received a text from a random number," I explain, my voice slightly trembling. "They knew my name and said they've been watching me."

Millie's expression changes to one of worry. "That's really creepy. Have you told anyone about this?"

"Not yet," I admit. "I'm not sure if it's just a prank or if I should be genuinely concerned."

"I guess it could be a prank," she says, staring to look less concerned. "but you should probably tell someone"

"I will," I respond, knowing damn well I won't.

We started filming and everything is going well. We film some scenes in the mall and they were really fun. But the whole time I'm stressing out.

While they're filming a scene that I'm not in, I go and sit down. Finn walks over.

"You look tired," He says

"Wow, thanks" I responded

"I don't mean it like that, i mean like, did you get any sleep?" he asks

"I guess at this point should i just make an announcement to the whole crew saying I got no sleep since everyone is so concerned," I say snappily

"did something happen?" he asks, showing concern in his voice

"I just got a weird text," I say

"Can I see it?" he asks.

"Sure," I say handing him my phone. He reads it and hands me back my phone.

"Who do you think this would even be?" he asks

"I don't know, some random psycho stalker?" I say

Finn looks at me, his brows furrowed with worry. "We should tell someone about this," he suggests.

"I don't know, Finn," I reply, my voice filled with uncertainty. "It could just be a prank, and I don't want to cause unnecessary alarm."

"But what if it's not?" he insists.

"I just feel like it's not that serious," I say

"Alright," He says

We wrap up our conversation and go back to filming. The rest of the day just has an anxious undertone to it. I don't know what's going on or what's going to happen next I'm just going through the motions and trying to stay focused.

After were done filming I head back to my trailer. I sit for myself for a while until I hear a know at my door.

"WHO IS IT?" I yell

"It's just me, don't freak out," Says Finn

He opens the door and walks in.

"Why are you holding your blanket and a pillow?" I ask

"Well since you are refusing to tell anyone, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you," He says. I feel my face start to get red.

"You really don't have to," I say, then he cuts me off

"I know you're too proud to ask for help but you can at least accept it?" he says

"Fine," I say, thumping back onto my bed. "So, what's going on with you?"

"Nothing that interesting," He says "Were gonna start filming IT Chapter 2 in a little bit, but I'm only in like, the flashbacks," He says

"I guess you're doing more than me," I joke

"Have you even auditioned for other stuff?" He asks

"Not really I guess," I say

"Why not?" He asks

"I don't know, just haven't found anything right," I say. I hear Finn mumble after I say that. "What did you say?" I ask

"What? Nothing," He says, sounding caught off guard. As he changes positions on the floor I hear it creaking.

"Is that even comfortable?" I ask

"Not really," he says groaning, "But I can deal with it,"

"Come on," I say, signaling him to get on the bed.

"No really it's fine," he says

"Suit yourself," I say turning off the light. He lays down and I hear the creaking again."You're 100 percent sure?"

"Fine," he sighs. He begrudgingly climbs up onto the bed and tries to lie down.

"You can ask me to move you know?" I say, laughing at him trying to awkwardly fit on the bed.

"Shut up," he says sounding flustered. We eventually get comfortable and he falls asleep.


My phone goes off

(***)- *** - ***

(***)- *** - *** - You think he can protect you?

done and done ➳♡ finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now