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The next few months go by about the same. Hanging out with Finn a lot around the city and just having fun with the rest of the cast. It feels different than the last time we were filming now. We get paparazzi and stuff now. I haven't yet but a lot of the rest of the cast has.

Me and Finn are out around the town, filming is over today. "Where do you wanna go?" Finn asks

"How about we grab some ice cream?" I suggest, pointing to a nearby ice cream shop. Finn smiles and nods in agreement.

we walk in and order our ice cream. We stand there and then we notice something. Through the window, a guy is standing with a huge camera. We exchange worried glances as we realize that the guy with the camera is a paparazzo. Trying to avoid any unwanted attention, Finn and I quickly pay for our ice cream and make a fast exit. As we walk away, he keeps following us.

"What do you want?" Finn yells to him, his frustration evident in his voice. The paparazzo continues to follow us, snapping pictures and shouting questions. I grab Finn's hand, trying to keep him calm as we pick up our pace. Eventually, we manage to lose the paparazzo in the crowd, and we find a secluded spot to catch our breaths. "I can't believe they're following us like this," Finn says, his voice filled with annoyance. "I just want to live a normal life." I nod, understanding his frustration. Despite the chaos, I'm grateful to have Finn by my side. We keep walking and eating our ice cream. We decided to stop and sit on a park bench.

"So, how are you?" I ask Finn, looking into his eyes. He takes a moment before answering.

"I'm okay," he says softly. "It's been a lot to deal with lately, but being with you makes it easier." I smile, feeling a warmth spread through me.

"I feel the same way," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. "You've been such an amazing friend throughout all of this."

He seems to flinch a bit when I say friend. "So have you," He says As we sit there on the park bench, I can't help but feel a sense of tension between us. I know that Finn and I have been spending a lot of time together lately, and it's hard to ignore the growing feelings that I have for him. But I also know that things are complicated, especially with the paparazzi following us.

"So, you want to go back to set now?" I ask

"Yeah, sure," Finn says, sounding a little dejected

We make our way back and head to our trailers. Millie comes to and knocks on my trailer door.

"Hey, I saw you and Finn walking back and you guys look a little, you know, sad?" she says

"Yeah, we just had a bit of a run-in with a paparazzi," I explain to Millie. "It was really intrusive and it kind of put a damper on our day."

"Any other reasons? You two don't seem like the type of people to get that awkward over just the paparazzi," She says

"Yeah, there's actually something else," I admit to Millie. "Finn and I have been spending a lot of time together lately, and I can't help but feel like there's something more between us. But with the paparazzi and everything, it's just been really complicated."

"Well, why not just try it out?" She says

"I mean, don't you remember what happened at the season one premiere?" I say

"Yeah, I remember," Millie says, her voice filled with understanding. "But that was a different time, and things have changed since then. Plus, you and Finn have grown so much as people. Maybe it's worth taking a chance and seeing where your feelings lead you."

"Maybe after filming," I say

"Plus, doesn't it seem like Finn and Sadie have a little chemistry?" I ask "Yeah, they do seem to have a good connection," Millie acknowledges. "You two have so much more history, and a connection too, I just think it's still worth a shot." She says

"I guess, but I think it may be better to wait until filming is over to pursue anything," I say

"You're right," She says

Me and Millie finish our conversation and head back to our trailers. It has been a long ass day. As I lay in bed that night, I can't help but think about everything that has happened. The paparazzi, the growing tension between Finn and me, and the advice Millie gave me. It's all swirling around in my head, making it hard to sleep. Part of me wants to take a chance and see where things could go with Finn, but another part of me is scared of getting hurt. I know that I need to take the time to figure out my own feelings before jumping into anything. For now, I'll focus on finishing filming. The future will reveal itself in due time.

done and done ➳♡ finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now