"I do"

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The next two days both the families are busy with the arrangements for the wedding, though it's a simple wedding with only the family members Mr.Paul was being over joyed and preparing everything.

On the other hand, After a lot of thinking Percy decided to have a talk with his father.

It's The D DAY finally !!

Percy is all set with her pretty white long gown, looking ethreally beautiful , her mother tears up looking at her she couldn't believe the fact that her loving daughter is getting married already, their little Mom - daughter moment was cutoff by her father.

Mr. Paul enters the room and stops for a moment looking at Percy in the wedding dress, She is so pretty definitely would pass for next disney princess, he starts to tear up when Percy walks towards him both of them embrace each other in warmth.

Percy asks her mother to leave for a second to have a talk with her Dad, her Mom refuses to leave first but eventually leaves when Danie and Kat calls her. Now it's only these Dad and Daughter duo in the room.

Mr. Paul : I can't believe my lil one is grown up now.

Percy : Dad , thanks for believing in me, I need to confess something.

Mr. Paul : What is it dear?

Percy : Daddy I know about your cancer, stop trying to act happy and healthy.

Listening to her words Mr. Paul is shocked and unable to utter a word.

Percy : Dadda, how did you manage to hide it for 2 years?

Mr. Paul with teary eyes says
" Percy, how do you know about this?"

Percy : I'm sorry, I read it from your diary.

Mr. Paul : Sweet heart it's nothing, I'm perfectly fine it can be cured easily you don't need to worry about it.

Percy : Dad , please stop trying to act strong. I know you are strong but it's also okay to be weak at times , I know you are having very hard time right now but I just want you to not give up that easy. I am happy with your decision papa now I want you to listen to me , I am going to marry Sebastian ,only if you agree to try the medications one more time for me. Please try to give yourself another chance.

Mr. Paul : Percy, it's useless now. Please stop worrying about me and get ready.

Percy : ( holds her Father's hand) Dadda, please, for me? One last time.

Mr. Paul : Okay I'll do it for my princess. But promise me you won't talk about this with your mom or sisters I don't want them to suffer. ( kisses her on top of her head )

Percy : I promise , but Dadda promise me, you will never leave me.

Mr. Paul hugs her warmly and rubs her back reassuring his presence for her whole life.

Both of them have their moment and wipe each other tears.It was overwhelming for both of them.

The time has come .

Percy Nicholas The loving bride is escorted by her Father down the aisle. Mr. Paul is overjoyed seeing her little princess being with her prince right now. He hands over Percy's hand to Saad Sebastian officially.

In the presence of their families and the holy god , the couple are said to exchange vows
To have and to hold
From this day forward ;
for better, for worse
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death do us part.

The couple do as said' they make their vows to one another looking in each other's eyes.

Then the priest asks our groom Sebastian "Do you Saad Sufian Sebastian take Percy Nicholas Paul, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to share your life openly, standing with her in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, in hardship and in ease, to cherish and love forever more?"
He replies by saying "I do". without much thoughts.
When the same question is asked to Percy , She hesitantly says " I do".
And they exchange wedding rings.

The priest then says " You may now kiss the bride " with that , Percy is screaming inside , shivers down her spine and she shuts her eyes tightly , tightening her hold in his hands as he comes closer to her face , he kisses her on cheek slightly and backs off.

"What's the point of being considerate now after ruining my first kiss , such a clueless dick " she mentally swears at him.

"What's the point of being considerate now after ruining my first kiss , such a clueless dick " she mentally swears at him

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The families cheer for them happily as they sign the marriage certificates . And they are officially legally spiritually husband and wife now.

Later both the families happily join for a champagne. No drama, no people just them in a peacefull yet grand hall. All of them were truly happy except for the couple.

After dinner , it's finally time for percy to go to "her house" her in-laws house.
It's about 20 minutes since Paul family is having a family group hug they can't seem to let percy go. Mr.Saad is just adoring the family missing his wife deep down , thinking how perfect it would have been if she was here too . Seeing them Augustin comes to his Dad to hug him dearly while Sebastian is looking all of them with nonchalant eyes somewhere missing being in a whole perfect family with Mom . The three of them are missing their Lady love of their lives now.

Before leaving , Percy hugs her father one more time reminding him about his promise to not give up and bids bye to her family and joins her new family in the car for their home.

( I did not romanticize the wedding much , rather made the wedding an emotional roller coaster for the dad and daughter duo , also I have no clear view on the wedding but yeah thanks to google :) !!)

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