Chapter I

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Loki wasn't lying if he said he wasn't thrilled to go to Vanaheim for a peace treaty with Asgard along with his brother Thor, warrior goddess Sif and with the Warriors three

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Loki wasn't lying if he said he wasn't thrilled to go to Vanaheim for a peace treaty with Asgard along with his brother Thor, warrior goddess Sif and with the Warriors three. The peace treaty with the High Concil went longer than the Asgardians think, the Mischief God was bored out of his mind. He decided to cast an illusion of himself to take a walk outside of Vanaheim and avoid hearing more of the peace treaty.

While walking, he swore he heard a small scream from a distance. He brushed it off as he though it was maybe a bird or an animal, but then the scream broke the sky again along with another again. He decided to investigate it, the scream was escalated into a screech as he stopped into a small cave catacombs. He enter inside as he continue to hear the screeching along with clinking noises, as he got closer he'd met the owners of the noises.

Three small dragons sat in a stone table chained up like a wild animals, they're underweight almost seeing their rib-cage, the chain around their necks was rubbing their scales almost breaking the skin. Loki lifted his hand up to the baby dragons to sniff him, a small black dragon with red markings crawled forward to sniff the God's hand. Judging by its size, Loki could tell that it was a female. He the eye the others; one was a female cream with gold while the last one was male green with golden markings.

"How long have you've been down here? Poor things, you've must be starving." The babies looked up at the God when he mention that they're starving, their heads cranked up to stare at him, hoping he have food. Seeming knowing what they want, Loki tells them "I'm sorry but I didn't bring anything."

He could see the disappointment in the dragon's eyes at the mention of that. Loki decided that he would take the dragons home-back at Asgard to raise them as his own, "I promise you that whatever life you had will be a blur, I'll take care of all of you, you'll have my word." With a wave of her hand, the chains that was once clamped around their necks had vanished.

The little dragons let out screeches of joy at the relieving feel of the chains leaving their necks, The Mischief God smiled at that as he lower his hand at them-palms out for then to climb on, the dragons siblings hesitates for a moment until the black dragon took a few steps until she was in his hand.
Loki did flinch when the black dragon glided from his hand to his shoulder, seeing that their sister trusted this God the others climbed onto his hand; the cream dragon nestle into his hand while the green one sat on his arm with its tail wrapped on his inner elbow.

The God of Mischief then walked out of the cave; the babies blinked their eyes to adjust at the sudden brightness from being in the darkness for who knows how long. Then the three dragon siblings saw a couple more Gods like Loki, "Loki! Thank the Gods you're alright!" Thor bellowed out, he then notice three baby dragons that was on his brother's arms and shoulder. "Are those..." Thor trailed off.

"Yes." Loki replied. "I found them chained up in a cave all alone and underweight, their mother was nowhere to be found. I was thinking of taking them home with me."

"Loki," Sif joined in. "This is not such a good idea, you have no idea what will happen if they grow up. You won't be able to control them."

"No, I can handle them. I will calm them down if they get out of hand." It was settled then, Loki would take care of the three baby dragons until they're old enough to take care of their-selves. The others called for Heimdall, The gatekeeper of Asgard, for him to open up the bifrost. They vanished from Vaniheim to Asgard, where they got on their horses and rode up to Asgard.

Soon they arrive, Loki walked up to his chamber room while placing the baby dragons on his bed. "I'll be right back, I promise." He told them, getting up and leaving his room.

The dragon siblings looked around their surroundings; noticing the gold mixed with cream similar to the older dragon sibling. The black dragon took a step forward, feeling the soft cushions of the bed under her small feet. Curiosity got the better of the small dragon as she got closer to the edge of the large bed, she then trip and fell and landing on the marble floor with a screech. Her other siblings looked down at their sibling in concern, luckily she was alright as she tried to walk on the floor but slid instead under the bed.

The two other siblings glide down to look for their sister, the brother let out a screech as he stuck his head under the cover as the sheet draped over his head. Then the black dragon came out head to toe covered in small dust, she couldn't help but sneeze in front of her brother who let out a low growl and shook his head and frilled neck while their sister let out a guttural noise that sounded like a chuckle.

Then, the doorknob started to turn-quickly getting the babies attention as they skidded under the bed but the black dragon stayed at her spot as she saw Loki coming inside and closing the door right behind it. "Sorry that took so long." He apologized while holding ointment in his hands.

He walked over to his bed with the black baby dragon following him right behind him, using the sheet to climb onto the bed. Loki slowly open the cover for the ointment, he took the cream and held it out for the baby to sniffed it. The Trickster God started to rub the ointment on his neck, a small purr erupted in the dragon's throat which made Loki's smile.

After a few minutes of ointment treatment, Loki lays in his bed with the three dragons lay each of his side. The black dragon starts to climb on top of Loki's chest and fell asleep on his neck, the God started to place a hand on the dragon body. She started to purr under his touch before falling into a deep sleep.

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