Chapter XVI

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It had been a week

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It had been a week. A damn week since Loki was locked up in the dungeons — He would either read (Courtesy of his mother) or watch his new "Friends" being cage up as well. His mother would often visit from time to time, but he mostly didn't care.

"Odin continues to bring me new friends." He spoke while looking at his new cellmates. "How thoughtful."

"The books I sent, do they not interest you?" Loki turns to look at his mother.

"Is that how I'm to while away eternity, reading?" He ask while standing in front of a chair.

"I've done everything in my power to make you comfortable, Loki." She tells him.

Loki place his hands on the chair, "Have you? Does Odin share your concern?" Frigga says nothing. "Does Thor? It must be so inconvenient them asking after me day and night."

"You know full well it was your actions that brought you here."

"My actions?" He wonder. Lifting his hand up wander around his cell. "I was merely giving truth to the lie that I had been fed my entire life, that I was born to be a king."

"A king?" Frigga ask. "A true king admits his faults. What of the lives you took on Earth?"

Loki just shrugs. "A mere handful compared to the number that Odin has taken himself."

"Your father-"

"He's not my father!" Loki screams out to his mother.

"Then am I not your mother?" Frigga ask him.

Loki just hesitantly stare at his mother, he strengthen his voice to say. " You're not." Frigga force a smile upon her face, even though tears well up on her eyes.

"Always so perceptive about everyone but yourself." She place her hands up — Loki place his hand onto hers, but it goes through her to reveal an illusion until she vanished. Leaving Loki fill with guilt and sorrow.


Outside of Asgard the three siblings grumbles when they sniff the bones of the animal carcass — Princess Rhealynn let the siblings stay at Asgard for a week, of course they accept that. Erebus was curled up deep in her sleep while her elder siblings picked at the bones — Malum manage to find some leftover meat on the bone.

 The Golden Dragon tried to grab the peace of meat, he hissed at his older sister who snarled back. Then a small ball of fire lands on the bone of dried meat until it was all but ashes — Malum snaps his head at his sleeping sister who had a smile at the corner of her lips. He sighs as puffs of smoke out his nostrils.

Then they saw Thor and an unknown woman next to him — The siblings snort as they stare at the strange woman, Erebus urculs herself to look at the woman; " Jane Foster, please meet Siatara, Malum, and Erebus." Thor introduces.

The woman Jane looks at them with astonished, almost like she seen something straight from a fantasy book manifested into reality. "Hi." She simply said.

Sitara crept closer to the brunette woman with curiosity in her eyes — A gust of her scent was inhaled by the dragon's snout, her eyes went to slit for a second while her throat rumbles as she took a step back. She sense danger in the mortal woman.


In his cell Loki lays in his bed, bored out of his mind that he threw an empty cup in the and catching it.

 Cells away from Loki — Algrim pulls out the rock that was in his stomach and crushed it with his palm, his body starts to convolts as heat radiates his whole body as clouds of black smoke fill the cell while his cellmates pound at the golden barrier. Hearing the commotion, Loki stops what he was doing — He rises from his bed and look over at the situation. Meanwhile, Algrim's  amour starts to morph into his skin, until he becomes The Kursed.

Using the head one of his cellmates he pounds his way out of his cell and drop the inmate — Two guards tried to fight hum, but the Kurse lifts them up by their neck, using his molten powers to burn them until they're skeletal corpses.

One by one he released a few inmates while guards grab their weapons and shields as they head into the dungeons — At the last row of inmates Kurse made his way towards the cell that Loki's in. The God look at the Kurse with a menacing gaze, a small smile form on his lips as he saw the Kurse lifts his fist to remove the God from his cell but evidently changed his mind and walk off.

"You might want to take the stairs to the left." Kurse looks up at Loki, reconsidering those words.


Sitara shrieks as she heard distinct alarm going off — She squawks for her siblings to follow her to the dungeon with their Uncle Thor right beside them.

As they reach the dungeons — The Golden Dragon let out gurgles to her siblings as they took off away from her while she crawls inside.

With a roar she announce herself in the dungeon — The inmates stops what they're doing as they stare at her, she bare her teeth as she emanates a golden fire above the ceiling as a warning.

One brave inmate charges at her but she clamps him in her mouth — Many more stare to charge at her but she took him down with ease, she continue on further into the dungeon. She stop in her tracks — She turns her head to her father who's been watching the entire time.

They stare at one another for a good minute — Until she sighs and continue on.

Then Thor appears at the center of the dungeon, "Return to your cells and further harm will come to you. You have my word." He spoke. Then one inmate punch him in the face, " Very well, you don't have my word." He then fought with the others.

Unknowing that the Dark Elves have come.


The battle had concluded with a funeral for Queen Frigga who was killed by Malekith and the Kurse — The ship that held her row away into the ocean. Thor looks over at Sitara with a nod, she whimpers as she stretches her wings out and flew into the sky with her siblings.

She whines as her golden flame sets her ship on fire with her siblings burn the other ships with the guards that fallen during the battle — They watch as her soul ascended into the heavens above while the Asgardians lifts their glowing orbs as well.

Back at the cell — A guard informs Loki about the death of Frigga, he nods his head in thanks as the guards left. Grief struck him like lightning, he had lost the only person who ever loved him.

He lifts himself up from the chair — He clench his fist that sensed every furniture and books flying and hitting the golden barrier.

The night air was filled with  roars of grief and anger.

A/N: Poor Loki man, he lost his mamma. He's defiantly a momma's boy. Also try to figure out the last sentence if you can. :)

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