Chapter 1: Start New Game

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Mushroom Kingdom Castle - World-1

Mario groaned awake and scratched his head. He then tumbled out of bed and managed to gain enough energy to wake up. He finally stretched and then brushed his teeth and trimmed his mustache. 

"Finally..." Mario cut the last few uneven parts of his mustache.

He went to his closet and put on his trademark clothes. He tied the last knot of his shoes and went down to the dining room...But there was no one there. He then heard chuckling come from outside. Peach was wearing her white tank top and pink shorts, Rohan was shirtless and only wearing lounge pants, Yoshi sitting down, and Luigi was wearing his Milli Vanilli t-shirt. The four sat at a table while Toad cooked something on a grill. The plumber walked outside and Peach noticed Mario and said, "Oh! Good morning."

"What's for breakfast?" Mario asked.

"Spaghetti and Meatballs," Toad answered.

Toad got a plate of spaghetti and handed it to Mario. The red-clad plumber sat down and asked, "What's going on?"

"It's Sunday," Peach replied.

"Oh...No business." Mario ate a forkful of spaghetti. 

"Hey, what's that over there?" Rohan asked.

"What?" Mario then noticed a group of Koopas holding a white flag and marching to the castle. "Impastable! The Koopa Resistance is throwing in the towel?"

The six went to the pipe near the castle and faced the resistance. Peach rubbed her eyes and asked, "What's happening?"

The resistance leader knelt on one knee and raised the white flag more. "Princess Peach Toadstool...Two years ago, you and Mario have defeated our beautiful King Bowser...We had raised this resistance from the ground up...but we see that this is pointless. We are leaving the Mushroom Kingdom forever and exploring outer space so we can rebuild and live in peaceful harmony."

The koopa leader blew his nose with the flag and the former resistance left the kingdom. Peach gasped in shock and Rohan said, "This is the most shocking thing to happen on a Sunday."

"Yeah..." Peach replied.

Suddenly, toads surrounded the princess, and a newscaster asked, "Princess! The Koopa Resistance is officially disbanded! What does this mean for the Mushroom Kingdom?!"

"Sorry, no interviews!" Mario stood in front of Peach.

The heroes then made it back to the castle and Mario said, "I can't believe it..."

"This is something strange..." Toad uttered. "Beating Bowser was only two years ago."

"Time does fly by!" Luigi exclaimed.

Suddenly, an envelope with wings flew by the castle and landed in Peach's hands. She opened the envelope and Mario said, "It's from Donkey Kong and Cranky Kong!"

"Emperor Cranky?"

"Dear: Super Mario Crew and Princess Peach. I am deeply sorry to say that my time in the Mushroom World is coming to an end. Come tonight to see me ascend to the heavens and say goodbye to those I love dearly. My dear Mario, Peach, Rohan, and Luigi...I wish I could've told you four of your destinies as some of the Star Children many years earlier. From: Cranky Kong."

"Is...Cranky...dying?" Rohan asked.

"Maybe..." Peach replied.

Later at night - World-5

The heroes sighed as they looked their finest for Cranky's ascension. After the boat trip and making it to the temple, Mario shook Donkey Kong's hand and they made it to their seats as Cranky got in the center of the mandala and took off his crown. Cranky clapped his hands and announced loudly, "Kongs! Citizens! I am Cranky Kong...Tonight...I shall be leaving this mortal realm and ascending to the heavens so I can reunite with my wife, Wrinkly. I now leave my son, Donkey Kong, as the leader of the Kongs. You're in charge now, son."

Donkey Kong nodded and Cranky continued, "Now, watch as I now ascend into the heavens. Farewell, my friends."

He then sat in the lotus position and a bright light appeared above him. The audience and heroes looked up and the clouds above them partially separated, revealing a golden and cloudy paradise. There was a bird made of a partially peeled banana with multiple colors and wearing a crown. Donkey Kong gasped and uttered, "The Banana Bird Queen..."

Cranky then slowly levitated into the sky and peeked an eye open. "This may take a while...Go about your business. I miss you all already."

The Heroes go back to the Castle - World-1

Rohan sighed and unbuttoned his shirt. Peach sighed as well and Toad asked, "What's DK gonna do now that Cranky's gone?"

"I'm not sure, but we're gonna have to give Donkey Kong some space for a while," Peach replied, taking Mario's hand.

"I'm turning in for the night," Rohan said.

"Good night."

"I should be going too." Toad got his backpack and walked out of the castle.

"Good night, Toad," Mario said.

Toad got into the exit pipe and walked down the street to his house. Mario and Peach walked down the hallways of the castle and entered Peach's bedroom. Mario took off his clothes and only kept on his shirt. Peach changed into her tank top and shorts. The princess helped the plumber get the bed and Mario said, "Poor DK...Losing a dad like that..."

"...I know what that's like. I bet you do too."

"I and Luigi were ABANDONED! We were given away to strangers as if we were nothing!"

"I don't think they gave you two away because they didn't want you...I think that they were wanting to protect you two from Bowser." 

Mario got into the bed with Peach following. He put his hat on one of the racks near the bed and uttered, "Sorry, I've been so stressed lately, with us recovering from Bowser's attacks, his bones are missing from the museum, and also...Cranky never told me about my parents."

"I know. I've been stressed too. After all those years of planning to kill Bowser, I don't know what to do next but rule...I really need a vacation right now."

"Me too." Mario gasped. "Brooklyn, New York! I can take you to Brooklyn for a few days! I mean, wasn't it your and your dad's dream to visit the human world?"

"Yes...But that dream's long dead."

Mario put a hand on Peach's shoulder. "But that doesn't mean we can't try. I'll take you to Brooklyn for a week or two and we'll come back fresh as daisies!"

Peach put a hand on Mario's hand. "You're a miracle worker."

"It's part of my charm as a plumber."

Peach giggled and kissed Mario. Mario turned off his night lamp and the two lay in the bed, with Peach rustling closer and hugging Mario around his stomach. 

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