Chapter 29: Reign Storm

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The Comet Observatory - Mushroom Kingdom universe

Rohan growled and Peach shuddered. Rohan then felt the anger in his eyes and yelled, "You...You banished my friends! You're dead!"

He broke Krusha's grip, pulled out his sword, and charged at Discordia. The goddess said under her breath, "Come and get it."

Rohan swung his sword and Discordia caught the blade with her bare hand. She giggled and said, "Children like you shouldn't be playing with knives."

She then applied more pressure to the blade and...the sword's blade was crushed into shards. Rohan and Peach gasped in horror and he fell to his knees as he looked at the sword's handle in his hands. "My father's sword..." Rohan whispered. "Five generations without a sign of wear nor rust...was KO'd tonight in a single it."

"I'm so sorry, Rohan," Peach said. "But we've got more important things than-"


Spike grabbed Rohan by the back of his shirt and pulled him to the other heroes. He did the exact thing with Peach. Krusha and Klump pulled out some ropes and tied the heroes up well into one big group. 

"If you touch my son, I WILL destroy you until you're nothing but microscopic particles!" Rosalina hissed at Klump.

Discordia chuckled and looked at the Chaos Emeralds floating near the heroes. "Ahh...Beautiful Gems of Miracle...You're mine." she then looked at the heroes. "But first, we're gonna need to make a stop at the Mushroom Kingdom."

Meanwhile in the other universe where Mario and Sonic were

Mario and Sonic got up from the ground and the person still aimed their arm cannon at them. The green visor of the person's helmet reflected their green eyes. Sonic stammered and said, "We're from another universe...We're lost and we need to get home."

The person lowered their arm cannon and replied, "And what makes you think I'd trust you?"

"Well...We don't know where we are. And also, we're not evil." Mario said.

The person fully lowered their arm cannon and said, "I believe I trust you. You're on Planet Zebes. Universe DM-20004."

"Oh..." Sonic sighed.

"Also, follow me. The acid rain is going to come in a few minutes...and we should go to my ship before it gets dark and hostile."

Back at the Mushroom Kingdom's universe

The Observatory and Discordia's armada of ships appeared in Earth's orbit and Discordia chuckled. Toad strained on the ropes and asked, "What are you gonna do?!?"

"If you're going to use those Emeralds to free your son, Dark Star, then use them now!" Peach said.

"Not yet. I wanna do something fun first." Discordia looked at the Mushroom Kingdom, Kong Island, Sarasaland, and Yoshi Island from an enlarged crystal ball. "But first: My master plan is to destroy these worthless plots of land until the Chaos Emeralds reach full power, then use them to free my son Dark Star from the Dark Dimension, then destroy the universe and make it my own. No more destinies, no more pesky relationships to hold you back, just you enjoying slavery under me alone."

Peach gasped and Rohan said, "You're insane!"

"I'm putting MY. SON. AND ME. FIRST." Discordia scowled. "I worked hard for this kind of plan, I mean, I escaped the Dark Dimension before to kill Mario and Luigi's parents before and I did again a year ago. Now, I have the Servers to break the seal that Dark Star was sealed by. I DESERVE my son in my arms, and I DESERVE to have the universe eating from my palm." she then pressed a button on a remote. "All I have to do is clear out these inhabitants first just to be fun."

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