Chapter 17: Dead Plumbers Tell No Tales

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The Next Morning

Mario felt Peach cuddle him tight in her arms and he smiled. He then yawned and stretched. "Morning, Sweet Pea..." he suddenly noticed a woman next to him, clinging on tight. Mario gasped and whispered, "Peach. Honey. We've got a situation."

Around an hour later

The heroes' feet crunched in the snow as they walked up to the Observatory. Rosalina sighed and activated the Observatory's systems. "We have six Chaos Emeralds and...Discordia has managed to track us down...maybe we should lay low for a bit, and explore some galaxies."

"That seems like a good idea," Atlas said.

"I do think that we should hide for a few days," Audrey added.

The Observatory flew up and zipped through the cosmos. But little did the heroes know, the villains that had been hunting them saw the Observatory take off. Discordia smirked and said, "I believe I know where they're hiding. Start the ship!"

Seaside Kingdom Galaxy

The Observatory landed on a beach and the heroes stepped off. Rosalina hid her wand and Daisy asked, "Why are we at another beach galaxy?"

"Well, we're going to a part of town called Port Royal, a local part where there are pirates constantly. So everyone, just try not to draw attention to yourselves."

"Sure thing," Sonic said.

The heroes walked down the boardwalks and Daisy noticed a giant glass tower. "Woah...What's that?"

"The Glass Tower," Rosalina replied. "The water here is carbonated but is remarkable. The tower keeps the water fresh and purifies it whenever it's polluted or corrupted. The water that comes from inside the tower is said to bring happiness, fortune, and romance to those who drink it."

The heroes made it to Port Royal. There were pirates here and there and everywhere. One won a card game with another pirate. Peach shuddered in discomfort for a little and then asked Rosalina, "So, what are we going to do with the Emeralds once we collect them all?"

"We're going to take them to the Gods and see how to properly dispose of them," Rosalina answered. 

"Why not destroy them ourselves as soon as we have all seven?" Rohan asked.

"Destroying them once they're all collected could mean the destruction of many planets. Only Gods can truly destroy them without a cataclysm happening."

"If you know what you're doing..." Toad said. "Then, godspeed."

"I still think we should destroy them." Rohan protested. "Then, Discordia wouldn't be able to USE OR FIND them once she has them!"

"Shh!" Peach said. "What part of "Not drawing attention to ourselves" do you not understand?!"

"It's alright! Besides, I don't think that anyone cares that we're talking about magic gemstones of immense power!"

 Suddenly a cutlass appeared next to Peach and a pirate was holding it. He had black hair and a braided beard. He wore a pirate's coat, white undershirt, brown pants, a peg leg, an eyepatch, and a red hat with a Jolly Roger on it. "Hello." the pirate said.

The heroes stepped back and the pirate asked, "What ye mateys be doing in me territory?!"

"Well, Mr. Crazy Pirate..." Rosalina replied. "...This is Port Royal, where we all share it!"

"No, don't listen to her!" Audrey protested. "She's uh...confused...romantically!"

The pirate scoffed. He surely wasn't buying it. "I don't know what ye landlubbers bee spewing! But if you don't tell me what yer doin' here, I'LL HAVE YER REAR ENDS CUT OFF!!!"

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