Chapter 4: Attack on Toad Town

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Toad Town - World-1, Mushroom Kingdom

It was late at night. Not a creature was stirring, no gorillas were gagging. Not even a cricket sounded. However, several pods dropped down into town and released monsters and robots. 

Back at the Castle

Peach and Mario snored until they heard a scream. The couple awoke and the others walked out of the hall. They saw that the town was being attacked and Rohan asked, "Are you guys seeing this? Monsters and robots?"

"I'm not seeing this!" Toad said.

"Everyone get dressed!" Peach ordered.

Time later at the town

The heroes got dressed in their classic outfits with Peach, Rosalina, and Daisy appearing in their gowns, Mario and Luigi in their plumber gear, and Rohan and Atlas in their uniforms. Mario looked around and grabbed a few lucky blocks. He handed them to Luigi, Peach, Daisy, and Rohan. Luigi touched the Ice Flower and became Ice Luigi, Rohan grabbed the Boomerang Flower and became Boomerang Rohan, Peach got the Propeller Mushroom and became Propeller Peach, Daisy got the Fire Flower and became Fire Daisy, and Mario got the Super Leaf and became Raccoon Mario.

"Let's do this!" Rohan pulled out a boomerang.

"Here we go!" Luigi summoned an ice ball.

"Lets-a-go!" Mario shouted.

Rosalina and Atlas got their wands out and Luigi threw an ice ball at one of the monsters. Peach then flew into the air and slammed down to the ground, destroying a couple of robots. Mario whacked a few monsters with his tail and saved a bunch of toads from a few monsters. 

"Hi-yah!" Daisy swung a fireball at a monster and then smashed a robot to smithereens with a fiery punch.

The heroes then got surrounded and Mario asked, "What do you guys want?!"

"For Lady Discordia!" A robot said.

"Stay strong!" Peach said.

Suddenly, a whirlwind appeared around the heroes and robots. Peach held onto Mario's hand and everyone looked up to see a blue hedgehog on the roof.

"My, that's a pretty snazzy performance there!" The hedgehog said.

He had blue fur, peach skin, matching blue quills, small triangular ears, a black snout, and green eyes, and wore white gloves with sock-like cuffs at the end, and red shoes with white straps, cuffs, and gold buckles at the side of the shoes.

The robots opened fire on the hedgehog and some of the monsters threw fireballs at him. The hedgehog evaded all the attacks and sped through the enemies at supersonic speeds. He then curled into a ball and smashed through the robots and released a few quick attacks and kicked a monster.

"Who's the new guy?" Mario asked.

"Not sure, but he's definitely on our side," Rohan replied.

The plumber walked up to the hedgehog and asked, "HEY! Who the heck are you?"

The hedgehog smirked and said, "You must be the Mario I've been hearing about! Name's Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! But you can call me the fastest thing alive!"

Mario cringed and Peach and Luigi joined him. "Well...Sonic...I'll let you get to your whole "90's cool kid vibe", innocent people are being hurt right now."

"Right! I'm new to this whole hero thing!"

Sonic then sped off and Peach said, "He's cool."

"He's brash, that's what," Atlas uttered.

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