Chapter 31: Interlude

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Rosalina sobbed and uttered, "...I lost my son...I lost the Chaos Emeralds...I ruined our chances of saving the Universe..." she sniffled some more. "...I give up."

"Oh, no, you don't!" Peach said. "We're not giving on Atlas! And we're NOT gonna let that monster destroy our home!"

"Yeah!" Rohan and Mario said. 

"We ain't gonna let Atlas be the chew toy of that goddess!" Sonic said. "So, Rosie, stand up as Captain Marvel did in that movie, and let's go kick that redhead's butt!"

Rosalina wiped her tears and stood (Well, actually floated) up. She picked up her wand and said, "Let's save the Universe and my son. But to do that, we need a plan."

"That, Rohan, Mario, and I can do," Peach smirked coyly at her cousin and boyfriend.

"And we ARE going to need serious hardware," Klump said. "Speaking from an army man myself."

"What? K. Rool, you and your Kremling creeps are gonna help us?" Donkey Kong asked.

"Well, if anyone's going to defeat you and declare dominance against the Kongs someday, it's going to be me!" K. Rool replied.

"And I have a soft spot for kids," Razor added.

"Okay, peeps, let's get suited up!" Toad said.

(Interlude - Stormzy)

Rosalina summoned five chests which contained a ton of Power-Ups. Peach opened one of them and said, "Wow! Super Leaves, Frog Suits, Super Bells, Tanooki Suits, Fire Flowers, Super Hammers, everything! You came prepared."

"Remember: we're dealing with a god, so we're going to need all the Power-Ups we can use," Rosalina replied.

Toad took his backpack and started to fill it up to the brim with the Power-Ups. Krusha took a Fire Flower. "Oooh, pretty..."

"And some of us may need armor and something more than Power-Ups," Rohan said. "Seeing sword was smashed."

Garage Dome

Sonic took off his shoes and clanged on them with a hammer. Rosalina led Rohan to an armory within the dome and showed him a bunch of weapons. Rosalina then took a black iron staff with golden rings banded on each end of it. She handed it to Rohan and explained, "Here. This is a magical staff that once belonged to a magical monkey trickster for centuries. I believe that it would suit you perfectly."

Rohan felt the staff in his hands and suddenly its length expanded a little. "Woah!"

"It can change its size and length and fight according to your will." 

"So it can say...Change to the size of a...hairpin." The staff suddenly did exactly that. Rohan gasped and exclaimed, "That's awesome!"

Rosalina then handed him a shotgun. "Here. Just in case."

"I love this demon ship..." Rohan smirked.

Audrey then took a whip from the armory and practiced it. She looked at Atlas' sash by her and whispered, "Don't worry, Atlas...We're coming soon."

Outside the Garage Dome

Krusha practiced punching with Klump and Donkey Kong prepared his coconut gun for the battle. Peach adjusted her gloves and sighed knowing that she should've brought her biker outfit for this occasion. 

Sonic then stepped out of the garage dome with new shoes. He was now wearing sleek red sneakers with white tongues and white accents and glowing blue highlights. Mario chuckled and said, "Looking good!"

Rosalina and Rohan walked out of the garage dome with the prince admiring his new weapon. Mario then walked over to Rosalina and said, "Hey, Rosalina...I'm sorry that we didn't take our journey seriously or knew the dangers that we'd encounter...First Luigi temporarily died, Sonic nearly drowned, Peach got sick, and now Atlas is kidnapped and his life is hanging in the balance of everything now...You...You should've gotten any other heroes besides us...It was just a coincidence that you got to us."

"Coincidence is one of the most powerful forces in the multiverse. It brought me, Atlas, and Audrey to your planet and it brought you to us. Whatever happens now, whatever planets nor universes align, the fate of our universe depends on all of us." Rosalina said with a motherly smile. She looked at Peach and then at Mario. "I see your soul. You're a determined and courageous person. Also...I can see the pure resolve in your heart to protect your Special One. For that, I trust you, Mario."

"Oh..." Mario felt some blush come to his cheeks. "...T-Thank you."

"Guys, are we ready for the plan?" The two heard Rohan's voice ask.

Yoshi came out of the garage dome donning armor and the heroes looked at the control panel of the Observatory. Rosalina, Peach, and Mario looked at the panel and Peach said, "Okay, Discordia's got the seven Chaos Emeralds and is going to free Dark Star from the Dark Dimension in a matter of hours. We only have ONE chance to defeat her and THIS is our chance. We WILL stop Discordia! Now, we obviously need to land somewhere first. Once we have that done, we'll power up and split up into groups. Mario, Sonic, Rohan, and Donkey Kong, you're in Group 1. Toad, Rosalina, Audrey, and Yoshi, you're in Group 2. Me, Daisy, Razor, and Luigi are in Group 3. And King K. Rool, Klump, Saw, and Krusha are in Group 4. All four groups will destroy Discordia's forces and get people to safety as much as we can. Once we get close enough to the castle, Mario and Rosalina will go in alone and signal for help if needed."

"Lu, are you sure you can do this without me in your group?" Mario asked.

Luigi nodded and Daisy said, "Don't worry. I'll watch over Luigi."

The two blushed and Audrey said, "Let's go."

"Let's do it!" Sonic said.

Mario straightened his cap and the Lumas appeared. A yellow Luma appeared and said, "Good luck."

The plumber nodded and Rosalina turned on the engine for the Observatory. She knew that this was going to be tricky but Rosalina knew in her heart that she had to do this for her son. One thing was certain: She was going to beat Discordia with her bare hands if she had to.

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