Chapter 36: The Aftermath

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Brooklyn, New York - Present Day

The light cleared and the heroes looked around. Peach gasped and saw Mario and Sonic floating down to the ground. The heroes including Pauline ran to them but Rosalina stopped them. "Wait! You cannot touch them! They wield the power of the Emeralds." she said. "I'm sorry. They're no longer the same Mario and Sonic we knew."

"What?" Peach was shocked if this was true or not.

In a suspenseful moment, Sonic and Mario created a cluster of lightning and storm clouds in the skies which they channeled into their open palms. Everyone held in anticipation of what was going to happen...until Rohan opened his eyes and saw that Mario had summoned a pizza slice and Sonic summoned a hot dog.

Mario sniffed the slice and took a bite from it. Sonic did the same and the two groaned in agreement of how delicious the food was. "Mm...So good." Mario uttered.

"Yeah." Sonic floated. "Rosie, you gotta try this!"

He and Mario snapped their fingers at the same time and another pizza slice and hot dog came from the sky. The slice landed in Pauline's hair and the hot dog splatted in Rosalina's face much to Audrey and Toad's amusement.

"Correction: They're exactly the same Mario and Sonic we know," Rosalina said.

Mario and Sonic then relinquished the Chaos Emeralds and returned to their normal forms. The Chaos Emeralds then spread out in seven directions, most likely to recover their strength.

Mario sighed in relief and said, "It's good to be back to normal."

"I'm back in blue!" Sonic said. "The golden god thing was fun, but blue's always been my color."

"Yeah, that was fun while it lasted."

Rosalina sniffed the air and said, "I no longer sense Dark Star's presence in the universe. It seems like you've destroyed him for good."

The heroes suddenly noticed some groaning and saw Discordia groaning in pain and severely injured. She grunted and said, "THAT PLAN...was PERFECT DOWN TO THE LAST DETAIL!" she tried to stand up. "And you all RUINED IT!"

Mario gave the goddess a righteous glare and turned to Rosalina. "Rosalina, you have the honors."

Rosalina smirked and floated over to Discordia. She glared at Discordia and said, "You came to the wrong house, fool."

She then waved her wand and a ball of energy appeared behind Discordia. The goddess looked behind her and asked, "What's happening?!?"

"A portal to the Dark Dimension. This time, your sentence is a little more permanent."

Discordia gulped and chuckled nervously. "W-Wait! No! That thing with Dark Star, that was just a prank! Uh, surprise! It's someone's birthday? Hehe...Please don't do this!"

Suddenly, a giant right-hand-like glove appeared, and laughed. This was Crazy Hand. The hand laughed more manically. Discordia looked fearfully at Crazy Hand and he boomed, "HELLO THERE, BOYS!"

Discordia screamed like Squidward and Crazy Hand grabbed her. She kept getting dragged into the portal as she screamed, "NO!!! NO, I DON'T WANNA GO!!!! I JUST WANNA LIVE!!!!! NOOOO, GOOOOOODDD!!!!!!!!!!!"

The portal disappeared with Discordia and Crazy Hand in it. The quest was finally over! The heroes erupted into celebration and Mario said, "WE DID IT! THAT ASS IS GONE!!"

"And we saved the universe too!" Luigi added.

"Atlas and I couldn't have done it without you guys," Rosalina said.

"Mario," Sonic said.

"Sonic," Mario replied and hugged Sonic. "My man!"

"Cousin!" Rohan hugged Peach.

Daisy picked up Luigi and kissed him over and over again. "Oh, Luigi!"

A few Lumas flew next to Rosalina, Atlas, and Audrey. A blue Luma chittered and said, "You saved us all, big brother. We saw everything back home! I was scared that Discordia and you were gonna rebuild your home, but you didn't because you wanted to save your family, and we were really scared!"

"Hey, don't be too blubbery about it, Lumalee." Atlas chuckled. "Besides, who'd I share my Star Bits with otherwise?"

"I'm so sorry you didn't get your home back, Atlas," Rosalina said.

"But, I have a home, Mama. You, the Lumas, Audrey, the Observatory. perfect." Atlas then hugged Rosalina, not caring that a tear was rolling down his cheek.

"Oh, now you've made me cry." Rosalina smiled.

Atlas wiped his tears and turned to Audrey. "So...Wanna try that kiss again?"

Audrey giggled. "If you want to."

The two...kissed again and Audrey chuckled. Rosalina wiped a tear from her eye and clapped for her son.

Mario smiled and then Alex and Maria ran to the heroes. 

"Oh, my boys!" Maria wrapped both Mario and Luigi in a hug. "My heroes!"

She kissed Luigi's cheek repeatedly and Alex said, "Mario, Luigi! WAHOO! You two were great out there!"

Mario kept his smile and said, "Thanks, Dad. And I'm happy that I grew up with you two as my parents because no one else can replace you two now. I'm sorry it took so long for me to realize that."

Donkey Kong then wrapped all the heroes including Alex and Maria into a hug. "Aww, bring it in!"

Peach's back cracked and Rohan uttered, "Go easy on us next time, DK...You almost broke my back."

The heroes then took a look at the celebrating populace. The cheers and chants were so pleasing to Sonic's ears. Pauline clapped her hands and said, "Let's hear it for the Super Mario Crew!!"

"These are my boys!!" Alex exclaimed.

A news reporter managed to get through the crowd with her cameraman and asked, "Brooklyn Daily Times! Care for a picture? Maybe strike a few poses?"

Mario looked at the others and Peach nodded. Daisy chuckled and said, "Why not?"

"Let's do it," Mario said. "Everyone, "Super Mario" on three. One...Two...Three...."


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