Chapter 3: Rosalina and Atlas

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World-1, Mushroom Kingdom

Rohan then turned on the siren of his motorcycle kart and gave chase to the comets. The siren was blaring and every toad in the areas he passed noticed that the prince was in pursuit. He drove through the town and went through the plains until...he managed to stop and saw that the chase ended. 

There were two people as Rohan said before. The boy had the girl tied up with some teal sash. The boy looked like he was around sixteen years old and had platinum-blonde unkempt, wavy hair and fair skin. He also had green eyes and wore a teal business suit with an aqua tie, matching dress shoes, a silver crown, and holding a stick wand. The girl had black pixie-cut hair, red eyes, and a Latina appearance. She had on a black bodysuit with a symbol of a silver star on the chest, gray high-heeled boots, and her belt concealed a knife. 

Rohan got off his kart and yelled, "STOP RIGHT THERE!!!"

"Oh, thank goodness." The boy said. "Law enforcement. This woman is working for the evil goddess, Discordia-"

"Freeze! My backup behind me will arrest you!"

The two looked at Rohan and the girl asked, "Are you sure about that?"

"SILENCE!" The boy shouted at the girl. "This woman, Audrey, is working for Discordia and is planning to summon Dark Star from the Dark Dimension."

"Don't listen to him!" The girl protested in an innocent tone. "I was just on my way home and he and his mother captured me!"

"Okay, two people are trying to tell me who to trust, so you'll have to give me the wand and surrender to me carefully. You can talk to the princess when she comes back."

The boy sighed and handed Rohan his wand. Rohan's backup then appeared and the prince said, "You two are under arrest...For now, at least. Please get in the paddy wagon."

The two suspects groaned and entered the paddy wagon, with the girl still tied up by the boy's sash. The wagon then drove off and Rohan asked an officer toad, "What happened? What took you so long?"

"Sorry, your majesty." The officer answered. "We got caught in a roadblock of cows."

Sometime later - Toad Town Jail

Peach, Mario, Luigi, and Daisy walked into the jail and Rohan appeared out of the office. Peach took off her sunhat and asked, "Rohan? What happened?"

"Oh, these two showed up out of nowhere and talked about some kinda thing called the "Dark Star," Rohan replied before snapping his fingers and looking at the boy and girl. "Hey, you two. The princess is here."

The two exited the unlocked holding cell and the boy asked, "Is this the princess?"

"Oh, sorry," Peach replied. "We just came back from vacation. Who are you exactly?"

"I'm sorry. I am Atlas, son of Rosalina, navigator of the Comet Observatory, and co-protector of the Lumas. I arrested this woman who is a servant of Discordia, the goddess of discord and deception."

"Audrey." The girl said.

Peach then looked at Atlas and asked, "So, Atlas, what business that you and Audrey have here?"

"I and my mother captured Audrey here and she suddenly escaped using a Launch Star. We gave chase of her and we ended up on this planet. However, during entry into the atmosphere, our ship somewhat received a bit of damage and we had to crash land. I can take you to my mother if you want."

"Sure," Peach replied.

"Are you sure that we should believe this guy?" Mario asked. "He sounds like he's out of his mind. And who the heck is Discordia??"

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