Chapter 25: Prey

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Tostarena Galaxy Desert

Sonic dashed through the sand of the desert. He was running to town so he can deliver the apology to Rosalina. He was also doing it so he could at least run and not be cooped up in the Observatory.

(Prey by Armydillo.)

 He sighed and said, "Geez! How far is this town?!"

"TARGET SPOTTED." He suddenly heard a robotic voice say. 

"Huh?" Sonic sniffed the night air. "Do I...smell...smoke??"

Suddenly, Robo Mario appeared and was emitting a lot of smoke as a result of fuel. Sonic turned his head and gasped. "What the?? Is that...Mario!?!?"

Robo Mario then fired lasers from his eyes and Sonic quickly was able to dodge them. He yelped and knew one thing: to run faster. Robo Mario's arm then turned into a machine gun and opened fire on the hedgehog. Sonic quickly avoided the machine gun fire and prepared to attack. 

His feet slid on the sand. He then sparked and leaped into the air. He suddenly curled into his ball form and dashed into Robo Mario...but the robot grabbed Sonic and said, "MUST CAPTURE HEDGEHOG."

Sonic finally broke free and dashed away from Robo Mario. "Must be Discordia's robot..."

He suddenly noticed Robo Mario catching up to him. Sonic dashed further from the robot and kept evading the attacks that the robot had been using. His fear was starting to catch up with him and he kept hearing Fleetway's voice say, "C'MON! You NEED me! Give into me and we can crush that bucket of bolts!!"

Sonic kept fighting against Fleetway's control and then suddenly noticed Robo Mario slowing down. He chuckled and said, "Guess THAT bucket of bolts had to lay off the nitro this time around!" 

He noticed Discordia and her Deadly Demons flying in a Koopa Clown Car and he smirked. "Hey, redhead! You miiiiiight wanna repair your toys!"

"You don't even know your fate, hedgehog..." Discordia smiled evilly. "Hehehehehe...Hahahahahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! It's time to die!!!!"

Sonic was scared but didn't show it. There was only one thought in his head, RUN. RUN. RUN. RUN. RUN! RUN!!!

He then proceeded to speed up faster. Discordia smirked and said, "Klump, Spike, fire up the Hyperspeed engine."

The Clown Car then sped to catch up to Sonic. He gasped in horror and sped up faster. He finally appeared in town and tried his best to evade the villains but they kept coming. Klump fired a few cannonballs which Sonic dodged split-second and the cannonballs crashed into numerous buildings. 

"How is this possible?!" Sonic flipped over a hot dog stand and pulled out a Ring from his pouch. "No one's ever caught up to me before!"

His mind was frantic and unsure of where to go. He tried to keep his thoughts together and tossed the ring and it formed a portal.

Battlerock Galaxy

Sonic dashed through the portal and ended up on a giant rock-shaped planet. He zipped through the labyrinth and caverns of the planet with Discordia and her lackeys following. Klump kept firing more cannons and Discordia decided to step in and use lasers to catch Sonic. 

He lept from a cavern and quickly tossed another Ring. 

Hightail Falls Galaxy

He dashed onto a bridge over a gigantic ocean. Sonic groaned in his decision to go to a water planet. He suddenly fell off the bridge after it was destroyed with the combined force of Klump's cannonball and Discordia's laser. 

Sonic quickly used the falling bridge as a slope and started to run on the water. He quickly avoided a few more lasers and dashed up one of the waterfalls. He noticed the Clown Car flying up and he pulled out another Ring. "I can't lose them!" he said.

Slipsand Galaxy

Sonic tried to escape to numerous galaxies like the Supermassive Galaxy, Tall Trunk Galaxy, Puzzle Plank Galaxy, Fluffy Bluff Galaxy, and Loopdeeloop Galaxy, but Discordia always caught up to him.

His feet dashed through the sand. His mind raced...Sonic had no idea what to do next. "I can't keep running like this!" he said to himself.

He quickly avoided another laser and skidded to a stop. He noticed the sand and smirked. "If you can't beat 'em, blind 'em!"

The hedgehog dashed toward the villains and spun around them, forming a sand vortex. The villains growled and Klump shouted, "Lost...visual contact!"

Spike growled and then noticed Sonic running up a pyramid. "There!" he shouted and pointed.

Discordia finally blasted the whirlwind and charged up another laser. Sonic quickly tossed another Ring and the laser blasted where he was standing, sending him flying.

Tostarena Galaxy

Sonic flew through the ring and regained his balance as soon as he landed on the sand. Spike noticed this. "Holy cow!" Spike exclaimed. "There is no way we're all gonna be able to catch up to him now!"

"Oh, yes, we will!" Discordia said. "Robo Mario! Activate the trap!"

The Clown Car slowed down and Sonic noticed. He smirked and said, "Man, Discordia, you really like scrambling your own plans, don't ya-"

Suddenly, Robo Mario caught him by the throat and Sonic struggled to break free. The hedgehog released a few bursts of electricity but the robot didn't let go. The Clown Car floated down and Discordia and the Deadly Demons exited it. 

Sonic gasped in horror as he saw the goddess walking towards him. Discordia finally faced him and said, "Hello, Sonic..." 

The hedgehog squirmed in Robo Mario's grip but still didn't break free. Discordia sniffed the air and grabbed Sonic's chin. "I love it when creatures like you are hopeless..."

"What are you gonna do?!?!" Sonic asked.

"Well..." Discordia smacked her lips. "...Let's just say...That I'm using you as a form of persuasion..."

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