Chapter 5: Voyage

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The Next Day

The heroes fixed the Comet Observatory damages with the cosmic duct tape and also, luckily, the ship managed to take in the usual oil as the fuel. They also managed to pack some bags and food for the trip which could take who knows how long. Donkey Kong packed barrels of bananas on the ship and then asked Mario, "Hey, Mario? Mind if I tag along on your trip?"

"Are you sure about that, DK?" Mario asked. "I mean, I could give you a few weeks to mourn Cranky..."

"It's okay, man. You could use some muscle on this trip."


"YES!" Rohan exclaimed. "The Super Mario Crew is back together!"

Luigi sighed and then Daisy said, "You DO know I'm coming with you, right?"

The plumber chuckled and replied, "Yeah. Besides, you'd sneak on anyways."

Sonic walked onto the ship and looked at his pouch. Mario walked up to him and asked, "Hey, Sonic? What's so special about the pouch that you got angry at Discordia last night?"

Sonic then looked at his pouch and said, "This is my bag of Rings. Rings are how advanced cultures excluding the Mushroom Kingdom travel between worlds. I just think about where I want to go and throw the Ring, and boom, the ring opens up as a portal."

Mario was astonished at how these rings worked almost similar to pipes. Sonic then showed a ring to him which was golden and round. It looked like it could fit Sonic's palm and then Peach said, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah." Mario and Sonic both said.

The heroes got to the edge of the Observatory and Peach announced to the crowds of Toads, "People of the Mushroom Kingdom! We're going on a quest to collect the Seven Chaos Emeralds from across the galaxy and stop Discordia. I hope you all stay strong while we're away."

"Hey, Princess?" Toadette said. "Should we evacuate?"

Mario stepped next to Peach and said, "It's okay! No one needs to evacuate."

"I agree with Mario," Rohan said. "It's totally fine! NO ONE needs to evacuate." 

Peach got her purse and set it near the kitchen pod of the ship. Mario then looked afar from the crowd and some toads were holding a sign with big letters saying, "R U SURE WE SHOULDN'T EVACUATE???" 

He also looked at a crowd of Kongs; some were holding another sign with poor grammar saying, "IF WEE ALL DIE, EETZ KINDA UR FAWLT." Diddy turned on a megaphone and said to Mario, "If we die, it's kinda your fault!"

Mario shrugged off the bad feeling and then Peach said, "Wait. I forgot my parasol."

"Don't worry, I'll come with you," Sonic said.

"Thank you, Sonic."

The two then walked off the observatory and fell off screaming. Daisy gasped and exclaimed, "DEAR!!"

"You killed my cousin, demon ship!!!" Rohan shouted to the ship.

Suddenly Sonic and Peach were floating in bubbles with Sonic trying to run and Peach was upside down, trying to hold her dress down so people wouldn't see some embarrassing stuff on her. 

"Gosh, this is embarrassing..." Peach thought. 

The bubbles floated back to the surface of the observatory and popped. Peach stood still with a shocked and fearful expression while Sonic looked around in confusion. Peach stammered, "W-W-What happened? Wasn't there a platform a minute ago?? Where did it go???"

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