Chapter 35: I'm With You

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(Holding Out For a Hero - Bonnie Tyler)

Mario and Sonic soared through the air toward Discordia, their fists clenched and ready to strike as they closed in on their target. The heroes from afar watched and Peach said, "Okay! We must get these people to safety while Mario and Sonic deal with Discordia."

"Okay!" Luigi nodded.

Without hesitation, everyone sprang into action, determined to help those in need. Donkey Kong was able to pick up a few elderly people who couldn't walk all that much and Luigi said, "C'mon, come with me!"

A few children were stuck in the debris and worried for their lives. Some more debris fell and the children closed their eyes..and suddenly, Rosalina waved her wand to make the debris float. The little girl gasped in awe of Rosalina and the space princess nodded.

Pauline was stuck in her car after her driver left her there to save his own skin. Peach ran to the car and Rohan managed to keep Pauline's car elevated with his staff while Peach managed to open the car. Pauline stepped out and uttered, "Thank you."

Peach smiled and responded, "Of course! We're all in this together."

Yoshi quickly used his tongue to get an old lady out of the way. Atlas helped a few people off a mushroom and Daisy and Donkey Kong pushed a car over to get people to shelter.

"We're doin' great progress!" Toad said.


Mario dodged a strike from Discordia and Sonic zipped like a cyclone around Discordia. She suddenly caught Sonic and threw him toward Mario. Discordia then threw a few beams of light at the two heroes but Sonic quickly evaded them and Mario unleashed a more enhanced fire punch.

Discordia grunted and uttered, "I felt that..."

Sonic and Mario then released a combined attack that dragged Discordia into the water. Sonic, even though he couldn't swim, realized that he was moving faster in the water. Discordia growled and Mario quickly released a barrage of punches toward her. Discordia then charged up her energy and punched Mario in the gut, thus making him fly out of the water and crash a hole through the Brooklyn Bridge. Sonic quickly got out of the way of another attack and helped Mario up.

Sonic quickly dashed toward Discordia and Mario followed along. Discordia quickly used her powers to crumble the bridge and formed a rock ball around the two heroes. Mario and Sonic suddenly burst free and Mario scowled at the goddess.

Sonic quickly cyclone-spun around Discordia and quickly summoned numerous other illusions of himself. The illusions followed alongside Sonic as they attacked her. Mario also did that and Discordia was disoriented by the illusions.

"ENOUGH!!!" she screamed as she released a burst of energy, killing the illusions.

(I'm with You - SEGA)

Mario quickly threw a barrage of fireballs and Sonic quickly zipped behind Discordia and shot cross-like shockwaves at her. She caught both attacks and then threw them back at the two. Mario and Sonic quickly regrouped and Sonic uttered, "Those are our best attacks, and they did nothing!"

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