Chapter 30: All of Nothing

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Comet Observatory

The heroes looked in sadness and despair as they saw the giant timer counting down the seconds until Discordia summons Dark Star and destroys the world.

"...This is it..." Donkey Kong uttered. "This is the end: slowly waiting for Discordia to conquer the universe while Mario and Sonic are banished to another universe."

"I could say that I have some regrets..." Audrey uttered. "I stole things that I thought I needed but I didn't...I even kept up the lie that Rosalina had about Atlas..."

"...I killed one of Mama's friends' pet ferrets. Mama and I told everyone that it was an accident but we both know that I did it because I dislike ferrets. I'm a killer..." Atlas said.

"...I once hid one of my dad's potions in a bush." Donkey Kong said.

"...I regret being scared all the time," Luigi uttered.

"Oh, sweetie..." Daisy whispered.

"...I didn't let Peach evacuate the kingdom..." Rohan uttered. "I was certain that this wouldn't be a repeat of what happened with Bowser...but...this is not just like's worse than him."

"...Rohan, it's not your fault," Peach said. "...I just wish Mario was here to comfort us and give us an arousing speech."

"Isn't that your thing?"

"Yes, but I think the more important ability of mine as a Star Child is my healing powers."

"I guess one of our regrets is not figuring out your ability, Rohan," Daisy said.

"Hey, can you all stop being all happy and singing "Kumbaya" please?" Discordia said. "I'm trying to have a villain moment here!"

World-1, Mushroom Kingdom - Two years ago

During those days that Mario was training for the journey, Peach was walking around the garden, hoping Mario would get to the flagpole and complete his training. Suddenly, she noticed Mario jumping off a dummy Banzai Bill and gasped in awe that he was so close to reaching the flagpole.

Mario had this massive grin of success on his face and he turned his head and had this sly grin at Peach. Suddenly, a mechanical Pirahna Plant bit him. Peach cringed and sighed. She looked away and uttered, "Mario...If only you knew how I feel..."

She heard some rustling and suddenly got into a fighting position out of instinct. She anticipated a surprise attack from Rohan...but...nothing was happening. My mind's most likely playing tricks on me... she thought.

Then, suddenly a feral Chain Chomp popped out from out of nowhere and Peach knew that she couldn't fight a giant beast like that without Power-Ups...There was only one thing to do: Run. She managed to sprint but the Chain Chomp kept chasing after her and wreaking havoc during the rage.

Mario, running on the training course, suddenly noticed Peach's cries for help and gasped. "PRINCESS!"

He then jumped off the course and Rohan shouted, "HEY! YOU'RE NOT FINISHED WITH YOUR TRAINING, MARIO!!! Wait...Peach is in trouble!"

Peach tripped and crashed near a hedge. She gasped as the Chain Chomp barked and lunged at her...she closed her eyes and prepared to die...but suddenly, the beast stopped and fell to the ground. It was Mario pulling on its chain! Peach gasped and Mario strained. He managed to gather the strength and throw the Chain Chomp aside, making it crash and fall dizzy. Several Toads and Rohan went to take control of the beast and Mario heard Peach breathing heavily and exclaimed, "PRINCESS!"

He ran over to Peach who had her hand clenched to her heart. Mario helped her calm down and asked, "Princess! Are you okay?????" he then touched one of Peach's hands.

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