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Deku's pov:

I get woken up from my phone alarm to get the day started,I head to  the bathroom, trying to be as silent as I could to not wake up my mum

I looked into the bathroom mirror, and I looked terrible. My eyes were swollen bright pink from crying the  night before,I also had several fresh bruises from my mum from the night before also..

I grabbed some concealer from out of the cupboard and placed a generous amount onto my arms and face, and blended it into my used to be baby soft like skin that was now rough and red.

I had to avoid the cuts on my arms and use a coupleband-aid to cover them, not wanting them to get infected because that would be the last thing I would want to happen

luckily, I didn't have hero training today, so I didn't have to cover my chest or legs up

When it finally looked like normal skin, I put the make-up back into the cupboard and brushed my hair thoroughly. I put on my uniform and tiptoed down the stairs extremely quietly to avoid waking my sleeping mother

I get really hungry, so I grab a glass of water to somewhat please my hunger, not feeling like eating.

I put my phone,books,pens into my bag, and zip it up. I put in my headphones and walked out the door, making sure to close the door as quietly as I possibly could do so. I took the long path to school through the wood, trying to think and clear my head i find a lake and sit by it for awhile until around 40 minutes pass and i lose track of time and I realised I was already 20 minutes late and class already started


very quickly, I carry on walking to class. After around 20 minutes passed, I was finally there, only missing around 40 minutes. I opened the door and wallked into class, and the whole class and Aizawa looked at me

"Im sorry I'm late." I say out of breath from walking so quickly and also panicking

He nodded at me, acknowledging me

I wallked up to my desk and placed my bag underneath and sat down in my chair while Aizawa carried on with the lesson,Kacchan was giving me a very odd look at me from the desk behind I shiver at his stares from behind me and just try to focus on the lesson as much as I could not really understanding much due to being late.

-End of lesson/lunch-

"You can all go now,"

"except Midoriya"
Aizawa said to the class

Crap I'm really done for

I quietly sighed to myself and  picked up my bag and walked up to the front of the class where Aizawa was, while everyone else left the classroom and headed to the cafeteria for lunch

I gulped while finding my confidence to say

"Y-yes, sir?"

"Why were you so late to my lesson problem, child?"

"I-I forgot to set an alarm and overslept....?" I made a lie on the spot

He gave me that look, seeing right through my lies

I look away from him, not wanting to hear what he said next

"Midoriya, look,recently you've been extremely tired in my lessons and of it what's really wrong?"

My eyes start to tear suddenly,

To be continued..

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now