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Bakugo's POV

Izuku was lying on my chest watching moana and gigling every once and awhile watching the funny scenes he was so fucking adorable to say the least I can't belive that anyone would ever try to harm him

I truly did feel things for this nerd. I feel things I've never felt before around other people,I get so fucking annoying around anyone but this was different with deku I felt carm in a way and a need to protect him and be with him not letting anyone else touch him or be allowed to have the privilege to look at his way he was perfect from the bottom of his feet to the top of his fucking head but he didn't seem to realise how perfect he was.

All the time, he would check on how other people were doing, and it annoys me that he would always fucking care about other people instead of checking in on himself for once even since we were kids

"Kacchan..?" I hear him ask and I snap out of my thoughts


"Is everything okay kacchan?"

"Hm? Yeah of course why would something be fucking wrong?" I ask with a small laugh still confused on why he was asking

"The movie ended and I was calling your name but you were zoned out!"He asks while smiling

"Yeah deku I'm fine" I say laughing slightly again

God he was pretty he was looking at me with his precious emerald eyes while still on my chest


"Yeah nerd"

"When are present Mic and Aizawa coming back..?" He asked and I realised it had been quite awhile since they left

"Not sure nerd,want me to text one of them?" I asked him while he moves of my chest and he nodded his head

"Okay nerd"

I grab my phone from my pocket and click on Aizawa's contact and asked him how long they were going to be because deku was getting nervous as to why they were gone so long

He texts back instantly and says they would be back in around 30 minutes or so because they needed to grab a few more things

"They said they'll be back in about 30 minutes deku" I tell him


"Nerd what do you wanna do now the movie ended?"

He just shrugged his shoulder 

"Want to watch another movie then"
He nodded his head and rested back onto my chest


A few minutes past and if I was being honest this next movie was pretty boring it was just a random movie and it wasn't interesting at all

I think deku may of agreed with me since he was fast asleep on my chest

And I was more focused on him then the movie

A few more minutes past and I hear the front door open guessing it was the both of them coming back

They walk into the room and I tell them to be quiet as they and look at the both of us and see deku sleeping on my chest

"Awh" Present Mic says

"You two gotten really close then?" Aizawa asks seriously 

"Yeah?" I responded confused to why he was so uptight

"I swear if you hurt him in anyway" Aizawa says with a protect look

It now made sense,he was on full dad mode and I laughed 

"I would fucking never even dream of it I fucking care about him too much" I responded

"Language Bakugo!" Present mic says and I rolled my eyes

To be continued

Thank you sm for 8k reads means a lot I didn't expect it to get so far love you all <3

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now