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Izukus pov:

As I was crying into Kacchans chest, I felt extremely exhausted as he just comforted me in his lap

"Shh, it's okay, Izuku," he says while stroking my hair. As I close my eyes softly, I fall asleep due to the exhaustion and panic


I start to move slowly and open my eyes to see myself resting into kacchan chest while he holds me tightly, not too tight but strong enough for me not to get out of his grip

I slowly try to get out of his grip as I see him slowly waking up slightly by his movement

"Deku, what are you doing? Get some more sleep. You'll need it since you were exhausted, and it's really early, " he says tiredly with his eyes still closed, half asleep still

I tried to move again gently, not wanting to disturb kacchan

I gave up his grip was too strong, so I just rested back onto his chest as I saw him slightly smirk, knowing I gave up trying

About 20 minutes later, kacchan finally fully woke up and loosened his grip on me

I move from his chest and move to the side of my bed and yawn

"Morning nerd," he says, pulling himself upwards into a sitting position

"Good morning, kacchan," I say with a smile, and he smiles back

Then it suddenly hit me again about what had happened last night, and I started to panic

Kacchan saw and pulled me into a hug, knowing it would help

"Deku, what's wrong?" He asks softly, trying to be as gentle as he could


He starts making circles on my back, trying to calm me down

"L-last n-night," I spit out

"Shh, it's okay Deku your okay," he says in comfort

"P-please don't tell A-aizwa and Present M-mic," I say with small sobs

"Deku, I think it would be best to tell them there trying to help you izuku" he says, trying to reason with me

I shock my head no

"Please, kacchan! Don't tell them I don't want them to worry!" I say begging

"Deku-" he says, shaking his head slowly with a sigh

"Please!!" I say, cutting him off

He gives it a minute to think about it and sighs

"Alright, deku, I won't fucking tell them I promise"

I smile slightly at him with tears running down my face

He wipes my tears of my face with his thumb

"But deku," he says

"Please try to tell me when you feel an urge and try to stop okay nerd? For me, can you try? i know it's hard, but please, can you try?" He says with his hand, grouping my face, wiping my tears still

"..okay, kacchan, I'll try...for you," I say with a weak smile

He smiles back at me and looks into my eyes


"Yes, nerd?"

"..erm what are we..?" I say, trying to look down as much as I can not able to much with kacchan's hand on my face

"Well I wanted to asking you this in a more fucking romantic shity way but I want to ask you if you would maybe be my boyfriend" he says with a gulp Kacchan was actually nervous for once

"W-what..?" I was shocked he wanted to date me?

"Shit, I'm sorry I-" he says, thinking that I didn't want it

"No, Kacchan, I meant, of course I would want that. I was just shocked.." I say with a smile

He smirked back happily and leaned in until we were both connected as we kissed it was sweet, not rough, just loving

"Fuck I love you,you fucking nerd" he says slightly laughing when we pulled out of the kiss

"I love you too Kacchan" I say with a smile blushing

He moves a strand of hair out of my face and I go a brighter shade then before hand

We pull into another kiss as this time Kacchan puts in more dominants into it making it a bit rougher then the one before but I  didn't mind it

But suddenly there was a knock on the door before Aizawa walks into my room

To be continued

Tysm for so many reads there might be a few spelling errors since I'm tired asf and can't be bothered to fix em so I'm very sorry for that!

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now