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Izukus pov:

"Do you want to tell me why you haven't eaten anything at all and just moving the food about on the plate?" Aizawa asks me with a serious voice as Present Mic just stares at me, also wanting to know

I just seem to only stare back at them, not able to speak a word back to them. I felt terribly for not eating the food present mic had made, and I knew they would be angry about me not eating anything after he put a lot of effort into the food

After a few moments of silence, I just looked away from both of them and started tearing up while facing the other way so they won't think of me of more of a disaster then they already know I am

"..S-sorry..." I seem to let out so small it was almost a whisper while facing away from them looking down into my lap when a small tear rolled down my left cheek. I felt so stupid and ashamed of myself. I really was something, wasn't I? I'm crying over food when someone has made it for me, but I couldn't eat no,I wasn't going to. I needed to lose weight more than anything, just like my mother said to

"Oh, Midoriya.." Aizawa says while coming over to me quickly as Present mic soon doses to,when seeing the tear run down my face

Damn I made them worry about me again...

Aizawa kneels down onto the floor in front of me in an attempt for me to look at him while reaching my hands

"I-I'm s-sorry.." I say again a bit louder than the last sorry

Present mic crouched down at the other side of me

"What about there's nothing to be sorry about Izuku.." Present mic softly says

"I'm n-not hungry, and you took time to make the food w-which no one has ever really done for me, not even my mother only when I was very y-young.." I say while tears were running down, both of my cheeks and now full on sobbing

"Oh gosh, no! I dont mind. it's just food! it's fine kido! come here, " Present mic says with a sad smile and open arms. I hesitantly leave the chair and jump into his arms, falling into comforting arms as he tightly hugs me and rubs my back while I'm still crying but slowly turning into soft sniffles

"You feeling better, Izuku?" Present mic says with a soft smile as I just nod into his shoulder as I pulled out of the hug after a few moments

I wipe my nose with my hoodies sleeve

"Come on, Midoriya, want to head to bed since you seem exhausted and should get some rest," Aizawa says with a small smile

I just nodded again. I didn't feel like speaking,I felt as if I did everything would poor out all my feelings and emotions every

Aizawa led me to my room and told me to get some rest. I felt like a child again. I felt relaxed and not uptight and terrified of every day when I lived at my house,but I knew I would have to get back home soon..

I put on some pj's and shuffled into the bed it felt nice here. I wasn't going to deny that.

Thank you sm, for 5k reads!!!! I'm not sure this book is so great ngl Can u tell me your opinion on it if u don't mind? Would appreciate it tysm again!! Love you guys ♡♡

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