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Izuku's POV:

After a few minutes, I heard my name being shouted

I get up from off the rooms carpet floor and walk to the kitchen as that was where I was being shouted by Present Mic and Aizawa

I step into the kitchen as I see Aizawa sitting down at a table and present Mic also at the table serving up food

I didn't want to eat.

"Come sit down, kido!" Present mic says as he's putting a pan into the dishwasher that he would have used to make the food in

I slowly walk to the table and sit on one of the chairs. I sat in front of Aizawa, Present mic gives me a plate of food and sets it in front of me while giving Aizawa a plate and himself. There was a lot of food, and I didn't want to eat, but I also didn't want to be rude since Present mic took time of on making it and my mother hadn't made me real food since I was about



I couldn't remember at all it was probably one time before I was announced as quirkless?

Present Mic sits down next to Aizawa after also giving me a glass of water as well

"Eat up, problem child," Aizawa says to me as I pick up a fork

I didn't want to eat.

I just started to kind of move the food around on the plate, hoping the both of them wouldn't notice I wasn't actually eating anything

I keep on having a sip of water to try and waste some time

After around 10 or so minutes, Aizawa and Present Mic just glanced at each other, trying to communicate something to each other

I carry on pretending to eat the food.
they were almost finished eating as Aizawa put his fork down on the plate and just looked at me

I stopped moving the food about and just looked at him back, giving a "mhm.?" In response


That was the first time Aizawa had actually said my first name before

"Y-yeah?"I responded back with a shaky voice

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now