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Bakugo's POV:

(The time when izuku was home)

I got told by my old hag that deku had now gone home about an hour ago, but there was a strong feeling that something was wrong, something wrong with deku

The old hag took us back home, but I couldn't rest. There was an animus feeling something was wrong. I was sitting in my room trying to calm down but couldn't get rid of the uptight feeling in my chest building up

I opened my phone, pulled up contacts, found dekus's name, and called it tensely

No answer

I called it again

No answer

I felt even more concerned then beforehand with no response from him it didn't help that I shouted at him and left him at the hospital room

The only thing I could think of was calling Aizawa he told me at the hospital that if anything seems off with deku for me to call him

I call him, and he picks up almost instantly after calling him

"Bakugo, what's up,is it Midoriya?"He says with concern in his voice

"I may of fucking shouted at him at the hospital and not he's not fucking picking up his phone and I've got a bad feeling about him and that something happened to him!" I explained quickly to him

"Alright, alright he will be find bakugo chill out okay,"

"I'll head over to his house now and see how he is" he says still unquiet in his voice about deku

I hear him starting up his car in the background then said he was going then hanged up

I plonked on my bed and sighed I really hoped deku was okay.

Sorry, it's short. The next chapter will be posted today due to being so short lmao

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now