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Izukus POV:

Kacchan and I both quickly pulled away from each other, and my cheeks were very quickly heating up as Aizawa stood in the frame of my door

Oh my gosh!

A smirk makes its way to Kacchan's face as he looks at Aizawa

Aizawa just looks at us and gives a warning look at Kacchan

"Well, good morning. Breakfast is downstairs. Come down when you're ready," Aizawa says while still giving Kacchan a warning look and walking out of the room, closing the door behind himself

"Oh.. my.. gosh.." I shove my face in my pillow, a blushing mess,

I hear Kacchan laughing louder than I have ever heard before

"It's not funny!!" I say, pulling my face out of the soft pillow and playfully hitting Kacchan on his shoulder with the pillow I was hiding my face into

He grabs the pillow with his strong grip and takes the pillow away from me, and throws it across the room

"Yeah your so right it's fucking hilarious,nerd" he says still laughing

"Stoppp" I pout at Kacchan and groaned in annoyance while I flopped backwards onto my bed

Kacchan starts to stops laughing slowly and breaths heavily catching his breath from his heavy laughter

"Okay,okay I've stopped I've stopped" he says with a smirk

I pout again and he smiles at me

"Okay come on lets go down stairs before Aizawa gets even more fucking pissed at me" He says with a wide smirk on his face


We leave my room and make our way to the kitchen to see Present mic and Aizawa siting down with food placed down on the table

I gulped I forgot that I had to actually eat and pause in spot

Kacchan seemed to noticed as he smiles in comfort to me and helps me sit down

"Good morning!" Present mic says with a warm smile

"Good morning" I replied back with a smile trying to forget about that I was about to eat

I pick up a fork and start to move the food around on the plate

"How'd you guys sleep?"Aizawa asks as he sips his coffee

I stop moving my fork and freeze

"G-good" I lied and hoped Kacchan didn't stay anything about last night

Kacchan looks at me and sighs as he sees I'm not eating

He picks up my fork and moves half of the food to the other side of the plate

"Izu can you eat half of it,for me, please?" Kacchan asks and I hesitantly nodded yes I start to eat very slowly

Present Mic and Aizawa looked shocked to see the impact Kacchan did have on me and it was true I would do anything for him

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now