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Izuku's POV:

The doctor asked me a few questions about the situation and why I did what I did. My eyes started to swell, and I went a bit pale, but I refused to answer the questions and just played with my fingers, not wanting the situation to be real and the people in the room to just leave me alone

I felt trapped. I was in a room where I wasn't allowed to leave.No one I knew with me,I just wanted to go,not go home. I wanted to go, disappear into nothingness,darkness
I just wanted to not exist,not ever existed. All I cause in pain and hurt to others by them being caught up in my problems.My mom hates me because I'm useless,nobody same with katcchan,everyone in school act like they like me but in reality all probably talk crap behind my back or are all just going to turn to resent me after awhile like everyone ends up doing,Aizawa act like he cares but in reality he probably doesn't give one and just helped me because its his job to due to me being one of his students where if I wasn't he would just leave me there to die

Everyone was just giving me pity. No one actually cared for me

While I was in a state of thought, both the doctor and the nurse left me alone and shut the door behind them to give me some privacy. The room felt smaller than ever

How did I end up messing up my life so much?

Maybe if I wasn't a useless, nobody, maybe things would be different

Maybe my mum would love me,kacchan wouldn't hate me, and we would still be best friends till this day

I started silently crying, which in a short time soon turned into sobs

The only thing to do in this room was to sleep,so that is what I did to pass some time. I lay down on the uncomfortable bed with a thin pillow and just cried till I fell asleep due to exhaustion

♡30 minutes later♡

I woke up with my eyes still teary and puffy due to the hard crying till I saw another doctor come into the room to see me

He smiles at me and sits on the bed beside me. I move myself up and sit upright

"How,you feeling, kido?"

I shrug my shoulders and wipe my tears with my hands

He nodded at me with a sorrowful look

"Hey,how would you feel seeing your mom?" My heart nearly jumped out of my ribs, and I slowly started panicking, but not enough for the man to be able to notice

"O-okay..." I say with a small voice,I knew I was in a lot of trouble but I know she wouldn't be able to do much to me at the moment due to being in the hospital with so many people she wouldn't want to risk it she would just wait to punish me when I get home

"Alright! I'll get her in a bit,"I bit the inside of my cheek. I was scared

"Do you want to see Katsuki as well after? He seems to be getting even more inpatient not being able to see you and worried"

I quickly nodded my head. I wanted to see kacchan more than anyone at the moment

To be continued..

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now